Daily headlines - Wednesday, 12 October

Ljubljana, 12 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 12 October:


"The number of weapons licences breaking records": The same MPs who last year advocated changes to the weapons act that allowed the use of silencers on weapons for civilian use are today tight-lipped about whether they themselves own a gun or a rifle. (front page, page 3)

Youth smoking
"E-cigarettes already among primary school students": Since e-cigarettes are trendy, accessible and considered less dangerous than regular cigarettes or not dangerous at all, some students in the last three grades of primary school are using them as well. (front page, page 17)

War in Ukraine
"Changes in Russia's military tactics": When Russian army general Sergei Surovikin was appointed to lead his country's offensive in Ukraine, it became clear that Russia's military tactics will change drastically. (front page, page 5)


"Location for kindergarten on Parmova street remains": Ljubljana Mayor Zoran Janković has put an end to plans to build a residential building on Parmova Street instead of a kindergarten. All city councillors were against this, as was the local neighbourhood. (front page, page 8)

"Weekends 'reserved for family murderers'": Most murders that take place in Slovenia happen over weekends, and they are mainly domestic murders. A psychologist told the paper that families spend more time together on weekends and if there is violence that has been building up, it then escalates. (front page, page 10)

War in Ukraine
"G7 leaders vow further support to Ukraine": In a virtual meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked G7 leaders for more air defence capabilities, as they pledged continued support to Ukraine. (front page, page 6)


Economic forecast
"IMF warns against global risks. What does it forecast for Slovenia?": The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) latest projection has upgraded Slovenia's growth to 5.7% this year, but the forecast for 2023 was revised downwards to 1.7%. Their latest World Economic Outlook seems like the calm before the storm. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"FURS got new package of data on accounts opened abroad. Have you reported the money you have there?": The tax authority has received the latest package of data on bank accounts Slovenians have opened abroad. A total of 82 countries or tax jurisdictions sent the figures, and another 27 are expected to do so soon. (front page, page 5)

Central banks
"British central bank intervenes again in bond market, issues warning for the country's financial stability": The British central bank has had to intervene twice in the past two weeks. The latest intervention was to salvage the bond market amid threats of high inflation and new tax and economic policies. (front page, pages 8, 9)


"How safe is Maribor": Following a couple of serious crimes in Maribor, citizens are wondering whether their city is still safe enough to walk the streets at night. The police say Slovenia's second largest city remains a safe city. (front page, page 13)

"Decorations will be less luxurious": Christmas decorations will be less luxurious in most Slovenian cities in the wake of the current energy crisis. (front page, page 4)

Presidential race
"Who benefits from escalating presidential race": As left-leaning presidential candidates Milan Brglez and Nataša Pirc Musar bicker, right-leaning Anže Logar silently waits for an opportunity. (front page, page 2)

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