Daily headlines - Friday, 14 October

Ljubljana, 14 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 14 October:


Trade unions
"Strike wave approaching Slovenia": Gaming company Hit employees were on strike for the last two weekends, and workers at bread and pasta maker Žito have announced a strike for 24 October unless an agreement is reached with the management. Retailers and doctors also threaten strikes. (front page, 3)

Doctor's error
"Radiologists' errors not uncommon": A reader fell off a horse and injured herself. But it was only after two months that doctors confirmed a broken pelvis. A radiologist did not see the fracture at first, but then his colleague confirmed it based on the same image.

Public sector pay deal
"Negotiations for systemic changes up next": The government and 46 public sector trade unions signed an agreement yesterday on measures concerning pay and other labour costs for 2022 and 2023 and annexes to the collective bargaining agreements that will allow the implementation of the agreement. (front page, 3)


"Tonin's party getting closer to Freedom": According to information obtained by the paper, the leaderships of the opposition New Slovenia (NSi) and the senior coalition Freedom Movement met recently to look for common ground. Allegedly they discussed constitutional changes and tax changes. (front page, 3)

Schengen zone
"Croatia perhaps joining Schengen zone as of next year": Signals from EU institutions increasingly suggest that Croatia could enter the Schengen zone on 1 January 2023. EU interior ministers will discuss the expansion of the zone to Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania today and the European Parliament will have its say in November. (front page, 3)


Public sector pay deal
"Higher public sector pay": Some 185,000 public employees and officials, including ministers, MPs, judges, will receive 4.5% higher pay next month in line with an agreement reached yesterday. (front page, 2)

Opposition parties
"Dangerous relations in the opposition": The opposition Democrats (SDS) and New Slovenia (NSi) engaged in a fierce verbal clash ahead of the NSi's election congress. (front page, 3)

Dimitrij Rupel
"All sins of Dimitrij Rupel": The paper looks at the accusations targeting the outgoing head of the Slovenian Book Agency, Dimitrij Rupel, in connection to the organisation of the Frankfurt Book Fair, saying that comments of the developments are scarce. (front page, 8)

"Closer cooperation with Germany in defence": Defence Minister Marjan Šarec and his German counterpart Christine Lambrecht signed a declaration to strengthen cooperation between the two ministries, including in military equipment and capacity development on the the sidelines of the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels. (front page, 4)

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