Daily headlines - Thursday, 20 October

Ljubljana, 20 October - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 20 October:


Ukraine war
"Lenarčič welcomed by Russian missiles in Kyiv": Air raid alarms sounded through Kyiv once again yesterday just as European Crisis Manager Commissioner Janez Lenarčič was visiting. Beefed up air defences prevented missiles from causing even greater damage. (front page, 5)

Presidential election
"Two more days of campaigning in the first round": The seven candidates for president have only two days left to convince voters. (front page, 2)

Doctors' pay
"New tier in the single pay system": Doctors' trade union Fides has signed an agreement with the government that suspends strike activities in exchange for the creation of a new tier for healthcare in the single pay system for the public sector. (front page, 3)

Staffing at state-owned firms
"New political staffing": The postal operator Pošta Slovenije will get a new general manager. Unofficial information indicates the candidates are Aleksander Majhen, who used to work there as director, and Marko Cegnar, former CEO of logistics firm Intereuropa. (front page, 3)


"TEŠ will rescue Velenje coal mine": The price of coal the Šoštanj power station is paying to the Velenje coal mine, which has been too low for years, will soon drastically increase. In effect, Šoštanj will thus bail out the struggling coal mine. (front page, 5)

Doctors' pay
"Agreement with doctors, farewell to single pay system": The agreement with doctors on the creation of a separate tier for healthcare in the single pay system for the public sector in effect removes some of the safety mechanisms that have kept the pay system together. (front page, 2, 12)


Property market
"Some are already cancelling because they cannot get loans": Daniel Lovšin, a real estate agent, says the property market is cooling down as some of those who need mortgages can no longer afford them due to high interest rates. (front page, 2, 3)

"Eight truths about Slovenia's inflation and three solutions": Economist Velimir Bole advises the government to tame inflation by pursuing a sustainable fiscal policy, refrain from cutting taxes because this increases household purchasing power and spending, and preventing inflation from becoming ingrained. (front page, 4, 5)

Insurance prices
"Will supplementary health insurance be costlier?": Health Minister Danijel Bešič Loredan has revealed there is a tacit agreement with health insurers not to raise the prices of supplementary health insurance. But given that prices of health services are rising, this will have to happen sooner or later. (front page, 6, 7)


Maribor freemen
"Two freemen for the first time": Pop singer Alfi Nipič and former tennis player Mima Jaušovec have been named freemen of the city of Maribor. (front page, 19)

Doctors' pay
"Special status in the single system": Some public sector trade unions are enraged that doctors have received a special status within the single pay system for the public sector by signing an agreement with the government on the creation of a special tier for healthcare. (front page, 2)

Labour rights
"Lack of staff leads to exploitation": The Labour Inspectorate has not detected any irregularities as it examined the work of cleaners at the UKC Maribor hospital. Trade unions are enraged, arguing that the cleaners' working conditions are deteriorating. (front page, 4)

Local politics
"Accusations against mayor": Branko Marinič, the mayor of Videm, had to resign as MP for the Democrats (SDS) a few years ago for lying about his education and failing to pay rent. Now an anonymous letter alleges he has engaged in "inadmissible, corrupt and fraudulent activities" as mayor. (front page, 21)

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