Daily headlines - Thursday, 3 November

Ljubljana, 3 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 3 November:


Koper-Divača rail track
"In Slovenia we build cheaper ourselves": The ruling coalition is planning to amend the Koper-Divača rail track law before the end of the year to remove provisions on involvement of landlocked countries in the project and to provide for the project manger 2TDK to also take care of a parallel track for a double-track railway. (front page, page 9)

Outgoing president
"SD opens arms to Pahor": In response to Borut Pahor's announcement that he will get involved again in a party had run for 15 years before becoming president, incumbent leader of the Social Democrats (SD) Tanja Fajon says she is planning to discuss his potential return to the party with Pahor. (front page, page 2)

Development aid
"Slovenia would rebuild Ukraine": The UN Industrial Development Organisation is working on a plan to rebuild Ukraine after the war. Slovenia has sent in eight proposals entailing involvement by Slovenian institutions and companies. The proposal to provide quality of products has already been accepted, says Economy Ministry official Janez Rogelj. (front page, page 10)

North Korea
"Largest number of missiles fired in a day": North Korea fired at least 23 missiles of various kinds yesterday. One landed in waters only 57 kilometres off the coast of South Korea, which President Yoon Suk-yeol said was "effectively a territorial invasion". (front page)

Elderly care
"Price of care depends on municipalities": Slovenia lags behind in availability of assistance to allow old people to live at home as long as possible. What is more, prices of home care differ by a factor of up to six depending on municipality. (front page, page 3)


"There will be no new Adria Airways": Unofficial sources indicate that the Economy Ministry is not inclined to try for Slovenia to have its own flag carrier, but favours attracting foreign carriers with subsidies, even though the measure did not prove effective in the past. (front page, page 2)

District heating
"District heating in the capital gets substantially cheaper": The price of district heating in Ljubljana decreased by 13% as of 1 November, which means the provider Energetika Ljubljana cancelled out price hikes it made in spring and summer. (front page, page 8)


Interest rates
"First rises in interest on deposits": After hikes in interest rates on loans, interest rates on deposits are slowly going up as well, but in Slovenia the pace is slower than elsewhere. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Railways company
"Week of spa, therapies, fitness and massage - this is what Slovenske Železnice offer to their employees": The Slovenian railways company has published a public call for a provider of preventive health treatment in a spa for their employees in a bonus worth several hundred euros. (front page, page 4)

"Bisol sees 120% jump in sales": Slovenia's sole manufacturer of solar panels is looking at what it describes as a fantastic year with this year's sales up at least 120% to over EUR 90 million. (front page, page 11)


Maribor hotels
"Open at last": Hotel Habakuk at the foot of the Pohorje hills quietly reopened this month more than three years after its operator Terme Maribor, a company indirectly owned by Russia's Gazprom, announced a renovation of its best known hotel. (front page, page 20)

Triple referendum
"Triple referendum package": As many as 28 organisations and individuals registered as campaign organisers ahead of the 27 November triple referendum, most for the vote on the new RTV Slovenija act. (front page, page 2)

Head of state
"Do we need a presidential residence?": Unlike most other world leaders, Slovenia's president does not have an official residence. Some presidents used a hut by the fifth lake at Brdo estate as an unofficial presidential residence. (front page, page 3)

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