Daily headlines - Monday, 7 November

Ljubljana, 7 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 7 November:


"Europe faces industry shutdown": Slovenia as the second most industrialised country in the EU is particularly vulnerable in the face of deindustrialisation due to energy price hikes, and drops in competitiveness and orders. (front page, 3)

US election
"United States ahead of very important election": US citizen will elect the Congress, a third of the Senate and many governors on Tuesday in what 64% of Americans see as more important elections than most so far. (front page, 5)

Ski jumps
"Anže Lanišek Slovenian hero of the first stop": Saturday's ski jumps World Cup event in Wisla, Poland did not impress Slovenian fans much, but yesterday they had a reason to be happy about, as Anže Lanišek finished second. (front page, 15)


"Subsidies for solar panels coming this year": Investors into solar panels expect new subsidies to become available at the end of the year. The subsidies will also be available retroactively. (front page, 4)

School meals
"School meals in Ljubljana from 2.65 to 4 euro": School meals are the biggest expense of primary education and in Ljubljana the prices among different primary school differ by even more than a euro. (front page, 8)


Production workers
"Extreme conditions: Production workers-how to get them, what do they demand and what is important to them?": The demand for production workers has never been this high although it has started to cool somewhat. Employers are trying out different approaches to get workers. (front page, 2-3)

State guarantees for housing loans
"Housing loans with state guarantees are available. What are the terms?": Four banks provide housing loans with state guarantees as of this month-BKS Bank, NKBM, Delavska Hranilnica and SKB. (front page, 5)

"Factory of the year: How to organise the project of digitalisation": The first step towards digitalisation is defining internal challenges clearly, then short-, mid- and long-term plans must be set as this is the foundation for successful digitalisation, says Matic Pirih, head of sales at Business Solutions. (front page, 15)


Local election in Maribor
"How they address voters": Two weeks before local election, the atmosphere among candidates for Maribor mayor varies. The most optimistic are Franc Kangler and SDS MP Dejan Kaloh. (front page, 2, 3, 8)

Presidential election
"What are the differences between the two candidates": The race between Nataša Pirc Musar and Anže Logar will be a race between a woman and a man, a liberal and a conservative. (front page, 2)

Helicopter crash in Italy
"Fatal helicopter flight": The technical director of the company Pro Plus, his wife and their two underage children died in a helicopter accident that happened in bad weather in Italy. (front page, 32)

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