Daily headlines - Thursday, 10 November

Ljubljana, 10 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 10 November:


"More and more migrants crossing the southern border": In recent days, the Koper police department has been apprehending more than 100 illegal migrants a day as an increasing number of them is crossing Slovenia's southern border. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"HSE threatened by capital shortfall": Power group HSE might need additional capital. The scope of recapitalisation will depend on the duration of the shutdown at the Šoštanj thermal power plant (TEŠ) and the market situation. (front page, page 10)

"Poem for a coin": A poem machine was unveiled in the garden of the Slovenian Writers' Association yesterday. A one euro coin buys the visitor one poem out of the more than 200 available. (front page, page 16)


US midterm election
"Republican wave did not show up": Pre-midterm election projections have not turned out to be true, as the Democratic Party seems to have done much better than expected. But it still looks like they will lose the majority in the House of Representatives. (front page, page 6)

Local elections
"Either Kangler or Flis against Arsenovič": Incumbent Maribor Mayor Saša Arsenovič has a comfortable lead in opinion polls before the local election. The Freedom Movement might become the biggest force on the city council though. (front page, page 5)


"DARS to spend EUR 600,000 on driver survey": Valentin Hajdinjak, chairman of the motorway company DARS, ordered a very pricey survey on driver experience. What will now cost nearly EUR 600,000 over four years used to come at a price of under EUR 15,000 a year. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Terme Čatež
"Is Bojan Petan now really cornered?": The wiggle room of one of the few tycoons who stayed on after the previous crisis has never before been so narrow, while his spa company Terme Čatež is up for sale. (front page, pages 10, 11)

Fiscal reform
"What changes to fiscal rules Brussels proposes": Under the European Commission's proposal on fiscal reform, member states could reduce debt more slowly if they commit to reforms and investment. (front page, pages 6, 7)


Local elections
"Maribor ahead of choice": A Večer-commissioned poll shows that Maribor Mayor Saša Arsenovič is almost certain to make it to the run-off of the local election there, but it is still up in the air who will join him. (front page, pages 2, 3, 18)

"Deleted appointments": After referrals of nearly 6,000 patients were erased mistakenly, their healthcare providers will now have to come up with new dates for them as soon as possible. (front page, page 5)

Local elections
"How to achieve Dravograd's development": A Večer debate featuring candidates running for mayor in Dravograd highlighted traffic problems there as well as touched on the issue of claims seeking damages for the 2012 flooding of the river Drava. (front page, page 22)

"Dodoma ending its business journey": After 26 years, one of leading Maribor real estate companies Dodoma is shutting down, unofficially due to the owners' personal reasons. (front page, page 17)

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