Daily headlines - Monday, 14 November

Ljubljana, 14 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 14 November:


Presidential election
"First woman president of the Republic of Slovenia": Nataša Pirc Musar won 53.86% of the vote in the run-off, Anže Logar won 46.14%. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"Emergency wards almost without doctors": Seven years ago Slovenia introduced emergency medical centres in order to provide quality round-the-clock care, but they have turned out to be a burden on hospitals depleting their staff. (front page, page 4)


Presidential election
"High turnout brings first woman president": Slovenia elected its first woman president in 2022 - Nataša Pirc Musar. She won 54% of the vote and the loser of the presidential race Anže Logar got 46%. (front page, pages 2, 3, commentary 12)

Voter approval rating for government
"Referendums to make coalition happy": The November Vox Populi poll shows higher ratings for the government and the largest two coalition parties, which augurs well for the coalition ahead of the triple referendum. (page 4)


Economic trends
"How severe economic downturn are we facing?": The European Commission expects Slovenia's economic activity next year to slow down to a mere 0.8%, mostly because private spending is expected to decline. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Residential construction
"Who is behind construction of luxury apartments in Bovec": Locals are speculating who is building an apartment complex in the alpine town of Bovec on a plot that until recently belonged to retailer Mercator. The investor Heba Investicije is in 50% ownership of a company of the former wife of lawyer Miro Senica and another 25% is held by Peter Grašek, former CEO of Telekom Slovenije. (front page, pages 4, 5)

Residential construction
"Construction of flats at Bežigrad: Zoran Dragić ventures into real estate too": Basket player Zoran Dragić has joined a residential project in the Bežigrad borough as a co-investor. (front page, pages 4, 5)


Presidential election
"It's woman president!": Nataša Pirc, a 54-year-old lawyer, was elected Slovenia's new president. (front page, pages 2-4)

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