Daily headlines - Wednesday, 16 November

Ljubljana, 16 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 16 November:


"New wage model would result in higher wages": The labour minister is expected to reveal Friday by how much the minimum wage will increase next year, whereupon talks are supposed to start with social partners on a completely new wage model under which all wages would rise in lockstep with the minimum wage. (front page, 3)

"After gas purchase, talks on pipeline": Now that Slovenia has secured natural gas from Algeria starting next year, talks are starting about an upgrade of the gas pipeline network. A delegation from Bavaria is expected in Slovenia next week. (front page, 8)

Poland blast
"Explosion in eastern Poland": A blast killed two in eastern Poland yesterday. While there was little reliable information last night, the level of diplomatic activity indicated the situation is serious. (front page, 5)

Political staffing
"Solo staffing by Golob cadre": The coalition Social Democrats and Left have for the first time expresses opposition to staffing decisions coming out of PM Golob's inner circle. On Thursday they are not expected to endorse three candidates for SSH supervisors. (front page, 2)


Retail industry
"Go for Engrotuš sale": Private equity fund Alfi, which holds 80% of retailer Engrotuš, has turned to owners of retail chains in Southeast Europe with a prospectus asking them whether they are interested in an acquisition. (front page, 2)

Population growth
"World population hits eight billion, Slovenians account for 0.03% of total": As of yesterday it is estimated that there are eight billion people on Earth. While some of the poorest countries are dealing with overpopulation, others, Slovenia included, are struggling to promote births. (front page, 4)


GDP figures
"Slovenia's GDP lower, what are the forecasts?": Slovenia's GDP contracted by 1.4% in the third quarter, the second sharpest contraction among EU member states which have so far reported the latest statistics. (front page, 2, 3)

"New call for wood industry: EUR 50,000 at minimum available for investments": The Regional Development Fund has issued a new call offering EUR 2 million in loans for the wood industry. (front page, 5)


Energy supplies
"Less dependent on Russia": Slovenia will get 300 million cubic metres of natural gas from Algeria per year from 1 January, a key step in the diversification of energy sources. (front page, 2)

Local politics
"What are Ptuj's prospects?": One of the main topics of debate for candidates for mayor of Ptuj is the construction of a new bypass road. Revitalisation of the ancient city centre was also discussed. (front page, 21)

"How to live with pain?": Waiting list data show that patients with chronic pain wait several years for the first exam. (front page, 5)

Kamenik trial
"New charges more than quarter century after crime": While Kristjan Kamenik denied having anything to do with the 1997 murder in Tekačevo, for which he is being tried again, the prosecution revealed it was preparing charges against a new suspect. (front page, 13)

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