Daily headlines - Thursday, 17 November

Ljubljana, 17 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 17 November:


Real estate prices
"Property prices are gradually calming down": List prices of real estate dropped in the third quarter of the year, according to data broker Arvio. There are also signs purchase prices are coming down. (front page, 8)

FIFA World Cup
"They invest in lobbyists, we invest in stadiums": UEFA president Aleksander Čeferin tells Delo the recent meeting with the representatives of the Superleague was "shocking" and that the Superleague clubs' problem was no other clubs want to play with them in a separate league. (front page, 18, 19)

Moon mission launch
"Rocket launch successful": The launch of the Artemis mission has finally succeeded, the first step in the quest to return humans to the Moon. (front page, 15)


Energy industry
"Slovenian electricity finally to Slovenia?": The unusual government appeal to businesses to start signing energy supply contracts may have been a signal that Slovenian power producers will finally start selling electricity to domestic traders instead of selling on international markets. (front page, 2)

Water sources
"Planica hill is not a threat to Zelenci": Locals suspected that excessive water use at the Planica Nordic Centre may have been the reason why the water level at the picturesque Lake Zelenci was so low this year. Expects say this is not the case, the water was low simply because of a long drought. (front page, 10)


Companies' expenditure planning
"Expenditure planning more demanding than ever": Uncertainties about energy prices and the minimum wage increase, coupled with supply chain woes and problems delivering orders, are making it difficult for companies to plan expenditure in 2023. (front page, 2, 3)

Red tape
"Serbian businesses moving to Slovenia - but aside from a welcome, they get a bureaucratic roller coaster": Many highly skilled people from Serbia have relocated to Slovenia and brought their businesses with then. But instead of doing business, they have to fight bureaucracy. (front page, 4, 5)

Covid app cost
"NIJZ will pay additional EUR 350,000 for unnecessary Covid certificates": While Covid certificates are no longer required for travel, the National Institute of Public Health keeps spending money on the project. (front page, 6)


Maribor mayoral race
"Who will enter the run-off": A poll by Večer shows incumbent Mayor Saša Arsenovič ahead in the race with almost 39% of the vote, followed by former mayor Franc Kangler at 22.4% and Freedom Movement candidate Vojko Flis at 19.3%. (front page, 3)

"Bitter sweet farewell": Slovenia suffered their second consecutive defeat at the Women's European Handball Championship are can no longer qualify for the semi-finals. (front page, 16)

Poland missile blast
"Incident triggers alarm": A blast in Poland that killed two was most likely the result of a stray Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile. (front page, 5)

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