Daily headlines - Friday, 18 November

Ljubljana, 18 November - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 18 November:


"Alarm: Emergency ward gets 500 people a day": Due to poor accessibility of primary healthcare the sick and the injured turn to the emergency ward. The one at UKC Ljubljana sees 500 people a day. (front page, page 3)

Staffing at state-owned companies
"Staffing dividing the coalition": The National Assembly appointed three new members to the supervisory board of Slovenian Sovereign Holding despite the junior coalition partners being unhappy with the candidates. Delo has also talked to Economy Minister Matjaž Han about staffing in an interview to be run on Saturday. (front page, pages 2, 8)

Ukraine war
"Ukrainians in need of electricity and water": Images coming from Ukraine are getting increasingly dramatic and tragic as the Russian armed forces are ruthlessly shelling not only the energy and other strategic infrastructure but also civilian buildings. (front page, page 5)

"Krka raises profit estimate": Pharmaceutical company Krka will generate an estimated EUR 360 million in net profit this year, one sixth more than last year, the management estimates. (front page, page 9)


Croatia's Schengen Area accession
"Green light for Croatia plus border statement": The Slovenian government adopted a position yesterday supporting Croatia's joining the Schengen regime, but also a statement reiterating Slovenia's insistence on the implementation of the border arbitration award. (front page, page 3)

Local elections
"Janković too strong for the left and right": According to the latest poll commissioned by Dnevnik, about two-thirds of voters are projected to vote for incumbent Zoran Janković in the Ljubljana mayoral election. Compared to the previous poll he lost some ground but his list made considerable gains, mainly at the expense of the party of PM Borut Golob. (front page, page 3)


Local elections
"No goulash, no competition": As Slovenians head to the polls on Sunday to cast their vote in local elections, mayors in more than half of the 212 municipalities will be elected in the first round. In 51 municipalities where only one candidate is running voters will have no choice. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"Bobinac rifts the coalition": The Freedom Movement installed new supervisors to Slovenian Sovereign Holding, including Franjo Bobinac, without the support of the junior coalition partners in parliament yesterday. Meanwhile, the opposition Democrats (SDS) blocked the income tax law. (front page, page 2)

Croatia's Schengen Area accession
"Will Slovenia copy Austrian border checks?": Slovenia supports Croatia on its path to the Schengen border regime, while reiterating that the arbitration award on the border between the two countries is final and binding. (front page, page 5)

Emission incident
"Info on emission three weeks too late": The management of the automotive supplier Unior did not speak publicly about an incident involving emission of corrosive and carcinogen chromium trioxide from one of its facilities, even though the 460 employees noticed something was wrong and were notified of the incident back on 26 October. (front page, page 17)

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