Daily headlines - Tuesday, 10 January

Ljubljana, 10 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 10 January:


"Teachers getting old, but the young don't want to work in classroom": The SVIZ trade union of teachers warns that if the public funding of education continues to drop, the education system will face the same fate as the healthcare system. (front page, 2-3)

Balkan investment
"Slovenian investment in the Balkans": The electronics group Iskra has announced a strong investment cycle in Croatia and Republika Srbska. "In Slovenia, business environment is completely unpredictable and inappropriate," said CEO Dušan Šešok. (front page, 9)

Brazil riots
"Punishment for those involved in riots": Some 1,200 people have been apprehended in Brasilia in riots disputing the results of last year's presidential election. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said an investigation would be conducted into who was behind the protests and that those involved will be punished. (front page, 6)


"Poor health of Slovenian healthcare": A patients' strike will be held today and a doctors' strike is announced for tomorrow, so the fate of the Slovenian healthcare system is the key issue that will be discussed in public in the coming days. (front page, 2-3)

Ljubljana's public transport
"Fewer city buses in use than some years ago": In the last decade not only the number of passengers using Ljubljana city buses dropped but also the number of buses. The latter is due to the lack of drivers. (front page, 8)


Slovenian Kickstarter stars
"Where are Slovenian Kickstarter business stories today?": Bird Buddy, a startup company that has developed a smart bird feeder, and raised over EUR 4 million on Kickstarter, seems to be faring the best of all Slovenian Kickstarter success stories. (front page, 6-7)

"How far along are we with the planning of a new investment amounting to EUR 117 million?": The RepowerEU programme, as part of which member states are to supplement their recovery and resilience plans to reduce their dependence on Russian energy, will offer Slovenia EUR 117 million in funds available for drawing. (front page, 1-2)

"Janković offering six concessions in healthcare while doctors are leaving the Ljubljana Community Health Centre": The Ljubljana municipality led by Mayor Zoran Janković published a public call for applications in early December to grant concessions in healthcare. The paper wonders whether the doctors who left the public health centres will get them. (front page, 4)


Protests in healthcare
"Healthcare's clock ticking": Coalition parties have joined today's protest of patients, and the Health Ministry officials and Fides trade unionists will meet today in an attempt to reach an agreement on doctors' demands through mediation to avert a doctors' strike tomorrow. (front page, 2-3)

"Freedom into every supervisory board": Most supervisors of public utilities Nigrad, Mariborski Vodovod and Snaga were replaced on the same day with members of the ruling Freedom Movement. (front page, 19)

"High suicide rate among farmers": Data from the National Institute of Public Health show that the number of suicides among farmers is four times higher than among other jobs. (front page, 4)

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