Daily headlines - Wednesday, 18 January

Ljubljana, 18 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 18 January:


"Pensioners want more than govt is offering": Unhappy with the planned 4.9% increase in pensions, the Union of Pensioners' Associations (ZDUS) will allegedly present a demand for a 7.1% increase in pensions today. (front page, page 3)

Green tech
"Europe, the home of clean technology": EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented a plan for an industrial transformation focusing on clean technologies at Davos. The EU is vulnerable in this respect, as the US and China have been investing heavily in green technologies. (front page, page 5)

"Loans exceeding deposits by a bit": The business sector relies strongly on loans from banks. Even though an average company does not have a loan, they have far fewer assets and funding sources than companies in other eurozone counties. (front page, page 8)


Healthcare reform
"All the PM's men": Following the announcement of a new body set up to consult the government on healthcare reform, the relations seem to be shifting. Former Health Minister Dorjan Marušič was initially planned to chair the task force, but now it is unclear whether he will even be a member. Apart from having good relations with surgeon Erik Brecelj, Health Minister Danijel Bešič Loredan now seems distanced from his former colleagues. (front page, page 2)

"Stony path to 8,000 rental flats": The Court of Audit has found that it will be very hard to achieve the goal of 33,000 public-owned rental flats by 2025, of which 8,000 still need to be built. The coalition's goal of 20,000 new flats by 2030 will certainly not be achieved. (front page, page 5)


"FURS checking whether three different taxes should be paid": The Financial Administration (FURS) is looking into whether people leasing flats and houses should pay as many as three taxes: the ground exploitation fee, the tax on rent and a property tax. (front page, page 4)

"Advice and calculations": The paper provides an overview of outsourcing-related costs. (front page, pages 2 and 3)

"EU planning carbon tax on fuels and heating for households": The European Commission has drafted a reform of the EU Emissions Trading System, which envisages the expansion of the coupon trading scheme to include road traffic and heating, not only for companies but also for households. (front page, page 5)


Workforce shortage
"Fight for foreign workers": With record-low unemployment, companies are struggling to find workers, and many are recruiting foreigners. However, the red tape can take up to three months, which they deem too long. (front page, pages 2 and 3)

Construction at Rotovž
"How is Rotovž Center coming along": The transformation of the old town hall in Maribor into a new multimedia centre is coming along very slow due to the complexity of the works, most of which have to be done manually. (front page, page 18)

Pay raise demands
"Mayors want higher pay as well": Mayors have joined a long line of professions in the public sector demanding higher pay. They also want the state to cover at least half of the increase in kindergarten wage bills after promising higher pay to assistant teachers. (front page, pages 2 and 3)

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