Daily headlines - Friday, 27 January

Ljubljana, 27 January - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 27 January:


"Over EUR 700 million for sick pay": The government plans to pay special attention to absenteeism, which cost the health insurer ZZZS EUR 700 million last year, more than all of primary care combined. (front page, 3)

Health reform
"Sour apple of health services": Calculations by a health expert from the Institute of Economic Research show that current contribution rates will not be sufficient to finance the existing basket of health services covered by mandatory insurance. Several hundred million euros will be needed in the next few years. (front page, 3)

"Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust": A ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day this evening will feature the traditional reading of the names of Slovenian victims of the Holocaust. (front page, 17)


Tax legislation
"The mess is being resolved by the Ombudsman": The Freedom Movement and the Left surprisingly contributed votes to endorse amendments to the Financial Administration act in a revote. The coalition will now seek a constitutional review of a controversial provision on warrantless tracking of goods. The Human Rights Ombudsman plans to do the same. (front page, 2)

Ljubljana traffic policy
"Card payment only in parking garages and parking lots": It has become clear that not all parking machines will accept card payments in Ljubljana. Only those installed at parking garages and parking lots will be retrofitted to accept cards. (front page, 8)


Freedom Movement anniversary
"First year of Freedom": In the year since its inception the Freedom Movement has become firmly established as the no. 1 political party. Prime Minister Robert Golob says the party has shown it is up to the task and is aware of its responsibility to the people. (front page, 3)

Balkan Warrior trial
"Compromise ends trial": The prosecutors in the Balkan Warrior trial have closed the case with a Solomonic solution: they offered the defendants time served in exchange for a confession, which is a surprise given that the case was racing towards becoming statute barred. (front page, 2, 8)

"Don't forget about FURS": Several tax statements and reports are due in the coming weeks as the income tax deadline approaches. (front page, 2)

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