Slovenian Marko Pisani elected to Friuli Venezia Giulia council

Trieste, 4 April - Marko Pisani, a member of the Slovenian minority in Italy, has been elected to the Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Council. His party, Slovenian Community, polled at 1.02%, just above the 1% electoral threshold.

Friuli Venezia Giulia councillor and member of the Slovenian minority Marko Pisani.
Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA
File photo

Pisani, who received 986 preferential votes, the most in the minority's party, served as regional councillor already in the term that is now coming to a close, since he stepped in last year to take Igor Gabrovec's place as the latter was elected mayor of Duino-Aurisina.

Certain other parties' candidate lists also included members of the minority. Among Slovenian candidates, the most preferential votes went to Valentina Repini from the centre-left Democratic Party - 1,504, but having ranked third on her party's ticket in the Trieste electoral district, she failed to make it to the Regional Council.

The minority newspaper Primorski Dnevnik reports that incumbent regional councillor Danilo Slokar, a member of the right-wing party League, failed to be re-elected. Provisional results show he received 438 preferential votes and finished second on his party's ticket in the Trieste area.

The Regional Council in Trieste comprises 48 councillors, including the president of the region and the presidential candidate, who has the second highest number of votes.

The centre-right Massimiliano Fedriga was re-elected president in what was the first such re-election in history with 64.2% of the vote, and the runner-up was Massimo Moretuzzo, from the centre-left, with 28.4% of the vote.

Candidates from 13 parties, movements or coalitions vied to fill the remaining 46 seats on the council, and the incoming councillors were elected in five constituencies - Trieste, Gorizia, Udine, Pordenone and Tolmezzo.

Turnout stood at 45.3%, lower than in the previous regional election five years ago when 49.6% of voters cast their ballots. This year's election took place from Sunday to Monday, whereas in 2018 voters had only one day to vote.

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