Take on Slovenian folk songs wins main award at Week of Slovenian Drama
Kranj, 8 April - A theatre production which brings a new take on Slovenian folk songs won the Šelih Award for best production among seven competing productions as the 53rd Week of Slovenian Drama closed in Kranj on Friday evening with an awards ceremony.
The awards ceremony at the close of the 53rd Week of Slovenian Drama, a festival promoting solely productions based on Slovenian plays.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
Anja Novak Anjuta wins the Slavko Grum Prize for best play that had not yet been staged for Tekst Telesa (The Text of the Body).
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
Culture Minister Asta Vrečko and Mojca Kreft, the winner of the Grün-Filipič Award for achievements in Slovenian dramaturgy.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
Gregor Zorc wins the best actor award as the 53rd Week of Slovenian Drama draws to a close.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
Mojca Kreft receiving the biennial Grün-Filipič Award for achievements in Slovenian dramaturgy as the 53rd Week of Slovenian Drama draws to a close.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
Kranj, Prešernovo gledališče Kranj.
Sklepna slovesnost 53. Tedna slovenske drame s podelitvijo nagrad, ki se je bodo udeležile tudi ministrica za kulturo Asta Vrečko, svetovalka ministrice za kulturo Kim Komljanec, v. d. generalnega direktorja direktorata za razvoj kulturnih politik Tjaša Pureber, v. d. generalnega direktorja direktorata za ustvarjalnost Barbara Koželj Podlogar ter vodja sektorja za umetnost Mojca Jan Zorman.
Dramatičarka Manca Lipoglavšek.
Foto: Katja Kodba/STA
Prešeren Theatre director Jure Novak and Tjaša Pureber from the Culture Ministry.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
Theatre director Žiga Divjak, whose Usedline (Sediments), based on Katarina Morano's play, won a special award for the most effective staging of a play and the audiences's award.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
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