Daily headlines - Wednesday, 19 April
Ljubljana, 19 April - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 19 April:
Interest rates
"Slovenians have only 1% of loans abroad": Although interest rates for loans have gone up significantly, they are still not extremely high but rather comparable to pre-crisis rates. (front page, 3)
"Cutting edge Predator was born in Skopje": Software called Predator, enabling illegal eavesdropping on journalists, the opposition and NGOs in Greece, Poland and in many other countries, was developed by the company Cytrox set up in Skopje, North Macedonia. (front page, 6)
"EU climate action": The European Parliament has endorsed several legislative proposals from the Fit for 55 package which aim to reduce emissions by 55% until 2030. (front page, 5)
Farmers' protest
"Farmers to take over Ljubljana on Tuesday": After staging a rally with tractors on 24 March, farmers were in talks with the government on their demands, but since they were not happy with what they have achieved, they plan to hold another protest on 25 April in Ljubljana. (front page, 4)
"Injured bear is roaming the forests around Turjak": Two bears got run over on the road between Škofljica and Turjak. One died, while another was injured. The latter will not be tracked down by hunters because the plan to set up a system for tracking injured and potentially dangerous animals fell through last year. (front page, 4)
Development indicators
"Czechia again one step behind Slovenia": Looking at the development indicators of EU countries, the paper notes that Slovenia and Czechia changed places last year, so now Slovenia seems to be doing slightly better. (front page, 2, 3)
Interest rates
"EURIBOR rose again and reached the highest level since 2008": The six-month EURIBOR reference rate has recently been rising again and is just below 3.6%, which is the highest since August 2008. (front page, 4)
"Investor Max: I find the technology industry interesting but perhaps too expensive": The shares of technological companies will probably continue to rise due to the changes in interest rate policy and inflation, but radical changes may be just around the corner. (front page, 8, 9)
Farmers' protest
"Last straw": Farmers see changes to the Animal Protection Act as unprofessional and an opportunity for activists to take it out on them, so they cancelled talks with the government. (front page, 2, 3)
Maribor chapter of SDS
"Democracy as SDS wants it": The paper looks behind the scenes of election within the Maribor chapter of the Democrats (SDS), where former Maribor Mayor Franc Kangler was the only candidate for the post and was endorsed unanimously. (front page, 18)
"He treacherously stabbed his 'brother' eleven times": Fatah Rašid Adaouri from Algeria was sentenced to 16 years and 7 months in prison for stabbing another Algerian with a knife at the Ljubljana asylum centre. (front page, 13)