Daily headlines - Tuesday, 30 May

Ljubljana, 30 May - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 30 May:


"Food prices skyrocketed in the last year": The prices of food went up by 20% in the past year. Such price hikes were last recorded in Slovenia in 1994. (front page, 3)

Third developmental axis
"Merging phases": The expressway linking Slovenj Gradec and Šentrupert as part of the third developmental axis will be built six months ahead of schedule, in June 2028, Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek announced on Monday. (front page, 8)

"Two main hospitals doing better": Slovenia's 27 hospitals recorded better business result in the first three months of the year than in the same period last year, as the gap between expenditure and revenue was reduced by EUR 16.4 million. (front page, 4)


Staffing in police
"Preparing ground for replacements of senior police officials": Acting Police Commissioner Senad Jurić might soon replace the head of the criminal police department, the head of the centre for security and protection and some heads of regional police administrations. (front page, 3)

Dismissal of HSE head
"They must pay EUR 120,000 to dismissed HSE director": Because he was unlawfully dismissed, former general manager of energy company HSE is entitled to a high compensation, the Supreme Court has ruled. HSE has not commented on how this will affect its operations. (front page, 5)


Transport and logistic
"New logistic mega centres: Go Asset will hand over a warehouse in Sežana to German Tedi": The company Go Asset will finish the construction of a warehouse for German company Tedi next month, Dušan Kobal will deliver a warehouse to BTC Logistika in February 2024 and DHL Ekspress will start construction of a new centre in Brnik in September. (front page, 16-21)

Fines for companies without an account
"FURS is serious: Sole traders and companies without an account getting fined": The Financial Administration (FURS) issued warnings at the beginning of the year to companies who do not have a bank account; now it it issuing fines. (front page, 4)

Solar energy
"Problematic areas; you can get subsidies even for a solar plant": The paper brings information on the subsidies that are still available for companies located in less developed regions of the country that are eligible for the bulk of state aid. (front page, 5)


Subsidising of student meals
"Petition upsetting students": The Student Organisation has drawn up a petition for the preservation of subsidised student meals, but the Labour Ministry says that the funds for this purpose have been secured for the next two years, and that the system only needs some changes later on. (front page, 4)

Third developmental axis
"If there is no complaints, it will take another five years": If there is no complaints, the northern section of the third development axis between Šentrupert and Slovenj gradec will be finished by June 2028, Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek and Valentin Hajdinjak, head of motorway company DARS, asserted on Monday. (front page, 2-3)

Kidričevo commercial zone
"One of the better investments in Slovenia": According to Economy Minister Matjaž Han, the new commercial zone that was inaugurated in Kidričevo near Ptuj on Monday is one of the better investments in the country. (front page, 16)

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