Daily headlines - Wednesday, 31 May

Ljubljana, 31 May - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 31 May:


"Bed shortages before, staff shortages now": Some care homes have shut down certain units and suspended new admissions due to severe staff shortages. (front page, page 3)

Pay talks
"More and more demands for higher pay": There are more and more demands for higher pay due to the cost-of-living crisis and increased workload in the wake of staff shortages. The public and private sectors are facing strikes. (front page, page 8)

Road safety
"One should never sit on motorbike tired": An experienced rider, President Nataša Pirc Musar called on fellow motorcyclists to never go for a ride tired as she took part in a training course. (front page)


"Posedi back at the helm of food safety authority": Following criticism about poor management, Agriculture Minister Irena Šinko has proposed the government dismiss the food safety authority's director Matjaž Guček. Janez Posedi, who ran the authority between 2015 and 2020, is said to replace him. (front page, page 2)

"Leskoškova junction to open in June": In the first half of June, drivers can look forward to a new junction on the northern section of the Ljubljana ring road, but traffic is expected to remain dense due to road closure-related rerouting. (front page)


Public sector
"How the public sector mushrooms": Against the backdrop of negotiations on higher public sector pay, Finance looks at how the sector has mushroomed over the past years, noting that the number of employees increased by 12,600 in the past five years and average pay went up by 26%. (front page, pages 2-3)

Artificial intelligence
"How to use AI and where to be careful": The 28th Slovenian Marketing Conference heard about the potential of using artificial intelligence in marketing. (front page, page 7)


Higher education strike
"University strike wave": The Higher Education Union sees the recent government's proposal as a provocation and intends to continue striking in June. Meanwhile, Minister Igor Papič does not see any reason for impatience. (front page, page 2)

"Croatians consolidating in Mercator": Croatia is consolidating its position in retailer Mercator, which is owned by the Croatian group Fortenova. (front page, page 5)

"Two days he slept next to murdered partner": After allegedly killing his partner, a 20-year-old man behaved like everything was okay, telling others they just had a minor squabble. (front page, page 13)

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