Daily headlines - Thursday, 1 June

Ljubljana, 1 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 1 June:


"There should be a defibrillator in every building": There are 3,000 defibrillators in Slovenia, but many more are needed. The goal is to have access to the device within three minutes from cardiac arrest. (front page, 4)

Air connectivity plans
"Support for new Adria growing": Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek will present today measures to boost the country's air connectivity. At least two ministries are in favour of the launch of a new state-owned airline. (front page, 3)

Price regulation
"Government to put end to exorbitant margins": Prime Minister Robert Golob has announced price monitoring across the entire supply chain to determine whether anyone is inflating their margins. (front page, 2)


Kosovo crisis
"Barricades, razor wire and flying of flags": A blockade of institutions continues in north Kosovo. Municipal buildings are guarded by NATO soldiers, crowds of Serbs are outside protesting. (front page, 8)

Ljubljana bike rental
"Future of Bicikelj depends on private initiative": The city has said the expansion of the Bicikelj rental bike scheme is completed. If any new docking stations will be built, they will be financed by private companies. (front page, 10, 12)


Labour market
"Employers will have 36,660 job openings until the end of the year": Slovenian employers project a 2.7% increase in employment in the next six months, according to the Employment Service, which means an estimated 36,600 job vacancies. (front page, 2, 3)

ATM fees
"ATM fees for 'foreigners' make a mockery out of people and single market": ATM fees charged to tourists are an abomination in what is supposed to be a single EU market. (front page, 8, 9)


Government anniversary
"First year of government": The government has lost its reform drive one year into office. There are rumours that a new cabinet reshuffle might be in the making with some Freedom Movement ministers on he chopping block. (front page, 2)

"Flame of peace from Rome to Maribor": The organisers of the European Youth Olympic Festival have received the flame of peace and will now bring it to Maribor. (front page, 15)

Lek factory shutdown
"Final closure of factory": Lek has postponed the closure of its Prevalje location several times. This time the decision is final. (front page, 6)

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