Daily headlines - Friday, 2 June

Ljubljana, 2 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 2 June:


Potential sale of lottery operator
"Battle has begun for Športna Loterija shares": Two of the five biggest shareholders of lottery operator Športna Loterija have requested for a permission to sell their share in the company that is a major financial supporter of Slovenian sports. (front page, 4)

Cycling protests
"Voice of the People addressing govt on its promises": Cyclists gathered in Ljubljana's city centre again to warn the government that it is not making progress in implementing some of its key promises. (front page, 2)

Downsides of capitalism
"We are happy in a community": Philosopher Goran Vranešević says capitalism is one of the reasons for widespread individualism. "Empathy, fairness and solidarity have no place in its logic and are considered unproductive," he says. (front page, 16)


Special needs education
"Section of the Education Institute moving just before enrolment": A section of the Education Institute, which issues certificates on education of students with special needs, is moving to a new location just as students are enrolling in high school, so parents are concerned their requests will not be processed on time. (front page, 3)

Air connectivity
"Bratušek: Air Slovenia would be economically viable:" Infrastructure Minister Alenka Bratušek will in the next week or two strive to secure government support for the project of founding a new national air carrier. A study has shown that launching a new national airline could be economically viable. (front page, 3)


Pensioners' demands
"Pensioners want more": Low pensions and a poor financial situation of a large number of pensioners are not the only problems of pensioners. In debates on long-term care, supplementary insurance and the much needed changes to the healthcare system, the elderly are being described as "costing too much money", which the pensioners' trade union finds unacceptable. (front page, 2)

Convention of the Left party
"Left, where are you going?": The Left, a coalition party, will hold an election convention on Saturday. Criticism can be heard within the party about its "disturbing shift towards the centre". (front page, 4)

Damage after storms
"Damage equals two municipal budgets": Cirkulane Mayor Antonija Žumbar says that the damage caused by the recent heavy rains in the municipality is roughly estimated at EUR 4.8 million, which equals two annual budgets of the municipality. (front page, 16)

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