Daily headlines - Monday, 5 June

Ljubljana, 5 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 5 June:


World Environment Day
"Millions of millions of plastic bags a year": Humanity produces five billion plastic bags a year. A average person on the planet uses 625 bags a year, which is more than two a day. The UN calls for change. (front page, 4)

Hospitals and care homes
"Distress of patients and hospitals": Population ageing is affecting hospitals and care homes, which struggle with lack of staff and rooms. (front page, 3)

Festival promoting science
"Festival of scientific curiosity": The 14th Znanstival, an event hosted by the House of Experiments, took place over the past weekend in Ljubljana's squares and bridges over the Ljubljanica river. (front page)


Belgrade school shooting
"'We are protesting against violence, we owe it to our children'": A month after a school shooting in Belgrade a new protest was held in the streets of the Serbian capital on Saturday, reportedly the biggest so far. The protesters were joined by public figures. (front page, 5)

Staffing shortages in prisons
"No guards, no defendants, no justice": Since prisons struggle with a shortage of staff, defendants who are in custody are often unable to attend court hearings, which subsequently have to be postponed. (front page, 10)


Apartment sales
"Sale of apartment in Ljubljana brings more than 100% profit": The paper analyses the sales of apartments in Ljubljana in the 2014-2017 period, noting that the differences between the purchase and sale prices are substantial, often higher than officially recorded. (front page, 2, 3)

Fuel prices
"Oil prices reach pre-war levels, but Golob's govt extends fuel price regulation": The government is expected to extend by another year a decree on fuel prices regulation today, the ministry in charge of energy said, providing no arguments. The prices of oil on stock markets have stabilised at pre-war levels. (front page, 4-5)

Apartment rental inspections
"FURS continues to check apartment rentals more strictly. Where does it get data?": The Financial Administration (FURS) has been checking apartment rentals, a move that was announced in February. The inspections continue. (front page, 6-7)


Bankruptcy procedures
"Where is the money from bankruptcy estate?": After 27 years of bankruptcy procedures of company Hidromontaža, some workers claim they have not received as much money as they should have. (front page, 2-3)

Krško nuclear power plant
"Kumer about Krško 2: We are waiting for investor": The government will merge distribution network operator SODO with national electricity grid operator ELES by the end of the year, while Slovenian Sovereign Holding will decide on a potential merger of Elektro Maribor and Elektro Celje, says Environment Minister Bojan Kumer. (front page, 4)

Maribor Theatre Festival
"More women directors at Borštnik festival": The 58th Borštnik Meeting, the Maribor Theatre Festival, will start today. This is the first time that most plays in the competitive programme are directed by women. (front page, 2, 13)

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