CORRECTION: Farmers threaten constitutional review of nature conservation rules

corrects info on EU commissioner in last two para

Please note that European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius commented on the Natura 2000 regulations and not European Agriculture Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski as stated in the last two paragraphs of the STA report. A corrected copy follows.

Farmers threaten constitutional review of nature conservation rules

Ig, 6 June - The legislative changes pertaining to oversight of animal breeding and a regulation on Natura 2000 management programme are in breach of the constitution, the Institute of Public Administration at the Ljubljana Faculty of Law has assessed. Farmers demand these regulations be scrapped or face a constitutional review.

A meadow in bloom at the Ljubljana Marshes.
Photo: Aljoša Rehar/STA
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