Daily headlines - Thursday, 15 June

Ljubljana, 15 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 15 June:


Integration of foreigners
"Call to foreigners to learn Slovenian": The Government Office for the Support and Integration of Migrants will sign today a contract with 31 institutions that will offer Slovenian language courses in 40 towns around the country. (front page, 3)

"Industrial production in a cramp": While industrial production grew in April compared to March both in the eurozone and in all of the EU, by 1% and 0.7%, respectively, Slovenia recorded the largest drop at -7.9%, shows data published by Eurostat. (front page, 9)

Health reform
"The minister's optimistic plans": Although the health reform is being delayed, Health Minister Danijel Bešič Loredan is still optimistic and ambitious. He wants a package of four legislative changes to be passed before the summer recess of parliament. (front page, 2)

Tour of Slovenia
"Groenewegen is king of Rogaška Slatina": Rogaška Slatina is probably one of the favourite places of Dutch cyclist Dylan Groenewegen (Jayco-AlUla), who won the first stage of this year's Tour of Slovenia. (front page, 19)


New public housing development in Ljubljana
"New public housing development in the capital": The Housing Fund has picked the best design solution for a new public housing development in Resljeva Street. Yesterday the Rakova Jelša II complex was opened, featuring 156 public apartments. (front page, 8)

Tour of Slovenia
"Tour of Slovenia: Everything modelled on the greatest races": Slovenia has proven once again that cycling is currently number one sport in the country. The 29th Tour of Slovenia started in Celje in a style that many of the largest races in the world would want. (front page, 15)

Funeral of Silvio Berlusconi
"Berlusconi's party in for a battle for survival": The funeral of Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian prime minister and billionaire, was held yesterday. Without his charisma his party will struggle. (front page, 6)


Energy efficiency
"How to prevent energy renewal of houses from becoming a 'wicked, profit-oriented' redistribution of wealth": The paper proposes three steps to prevent the EU-mandated renovation of buildings to make them more energy-efficient from going sour. (front page, 2-3)

Cinkarna Celje
"AGM: Cinkarna Celje will not give out dividends this year": The shareholders of the chemical company Cinkarna Celje decided on Wednesday to carry over EUR 25 million in undistributed profit. The AGM voted down three dividend payout proposals, ultimately following the management's proposal. (front page, 10-11)

Social welfare
"Can you get social welfare for a fridge and sell it to Romania?": On average, social centres distribute welfare to about 9,000 Slovenians each month. The paper looks at possible abuses. (front page, 6-7)


Care homes
"Care homes costlier in July": Care homes will have to raise fees in July as the state's co-funding of costs aimed at preventing the fees from going up has not been extended. (front page, 4)

Proposed changes to party financing
"More for the big, less for the small": The three ruling coalition parties have joined forces with the opposition New Slovenia (NSi) to amend the Political Parties Act and introduce several changes to the system of financing political parties. (front page, 2-3)

Tour of Slovenia
"After victory he would like to buy a house here": The 29th Tour of Slovenia started a five-day journey around the country in Celje yesterday. Dutch cyclist Dylan Groenewegen bagged the third victory on his third visit here, so he joked that he might buy a house here. (front page, 11)

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