Daily headlines - Wednesday, 28 June

Ljubljana, 28 June - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 28 June:


Real estate market
"Number of loans and sales down, prices remain high": The number of sales of real estate has dropped to the lowest point since the pandemic lockdown. Demand is being undermined by high inflation, record prices and expensive loans. (front page, 3)

"Anže Kopitar wowing young hockey players again": A hockey training camp for young players organised each summer by Slovenian NHL hockey star and the captain of the LA Kings Anže Kopitar kicked off in Bled this week. Tuesday evening, Kopitar talked to the press, following the announcement that he had won the Lady Byng Trophy for gentlemanly conduct. (front page, 15)

"Looking for fakes": The Sloart gallery, known by many as an online arts sales portal, has started reviewing privately-owned art works in an effort to remove any potential forgeries from the market. (front page, 14)

Health insurance legislation
"Non-urgent matters prioritised": Economic researcher Valentina Prevolnik Rupel says health reform is an opportunity to rethink the funding system, saying that the most funds are currently used on non-urgent services, such as patient transports, while patients have to wait a long time for more essential services, such as first appointments. (front page, 3)


Long-term care
"New mandatory contribution for new social pillar": The bill on long-term care, drafted by the government, is expanding the range of long-term care services and making them more accessible with the objective to allow the elderly to stay at home as long as possible. Funding is to be dispersed among employees, employers and pensioners, with the state contributing up to EUR 190 million a year. (front page, 2)

Parking in Ljubljana
"New parking meters in 45 streets across Ljubljana": Ljubljana is introducing parking meters in 45 new locations outside the city centre. Residents will receive parking permits. The measure aims to curb the parking of commuters in these locations, taking up parking space for the residents. (front page, 8)


"Business sector warns: Situation increasingly demanding in Eurozone industry": After Eurozone slipped into technical recession, its GDP could shrink also in the second quarter, analysts believe. (front page-3)

"What to look out for to avoid paying too much tax": The paper compiled a list of recommendations for companies to avoid paying too much tax. (front page, 4-5)

"Country must raise more tax revenue but risks resistance from middle class": Some 70% of assets owned by the middle class in China are invested in real estate and a potential real estate tax could cause resistance or even protests. (front page, 8-9)


Mercury mining repercussion
"Mercury still in blood of children?": The most recent round of blood screening for mercury in three-year-olds in Mežiška Dolina has shown some excessive values. Detailed information will be presented in autumn. (front page, 17)

Long-term care
"Long-term care is hot topic": The paper sums up the main points of the draft bill on long-term care: it will be implemented gradually, funding contributions are to be paid by employers, employees, sole proprietors, farmers and pensioners. (front page-3)

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