Daily headlines - Monday, 3 July

Ljubljana, 3 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 3 July:


Covid vaccines
"Almost two million doses thrown away": At the peak of the Covid pandemic, many Slovenians could not wait to be vaccinated against the disease, but now only a few get a jab. But under the contracts made at that time, the supply of vaccines will continue until 2026. (front page, 3)

Govt ratings
"Govt would keep track of public opinion": The government approval rating has been declining, which could be the reason why the Government Communication Office has been collecting information on the prices of polling services' agencies. The paper says it might be thinking of keeping track of people's opinion of its measures. (front page, 2)

Mass shootings
"Shooters often look for fame": The sad statistics of school shootings and mass shootings in the US show that incidents which used to be unimaginable in our region are on the rise. (front page, 4)

"Janja Garnbret climbs to the top for the 40th time": Olympic gold medallist climber Janja Garnbret has made sporting history by winning her 40th World Cup event, a feat no other man or woman has achieved before. (front page, 9)


Antibiotics use
"Ospen subscriptions skyrocket": Doctors in Slovenia subscribed 25% more antibiotics last year than the year before. The use of penicillin antibacterial medicines rose the most, by 45%. (front page, 2)

Riots in France
"Amid thousands of arrested and calls for ending riots": A grandmother of the teenager who was killed in France and his other relatives have urged those who are using his death to riot to stop the vandalism all over France. (front page, 5)


"Concern in Croatia, Slovenian hotel managers optimistic": Slovenian hotel managers are optimistic about the season for now, but warnings are coming in from neighbouring countries that the forecasts of a record season may have been premature. (front page, 4)

"Where are interest rates now and what can you negotiate on with banks": As new relaxed rules for loans entered into force on 1 July, the paper brings an overview of interest rates at different banks. (front page, 2-3)

"General inflation is dropping but the core one is enhancing - what does that mean for ECB's rising of interest rates": The general inflation in the eurozone stood at 5.5% in June, which is down compared to May, but the core inflation rose (again) to 5.4%. (front page 6-7)


"Co-existence of the president and her predecessor": Six months after Nataša Pirc Musar took over as president from Borut Pahor, the latter shows no signs of withdrawing from the public arena. (front page, 2-3)

"Drop in new priests": The Slovenian Catholic Church ordained three new priests this year, which is a record low. The number of new priests dropped by more than 62% in the last 20 years. (front page, 2-3)

Banks' profits
"Banks' profits keep rising": The rising interest rates have had a positive effect on banks' business results, pushing their combined net profit to EUR 198 million by the end of April. But the banks also paid twice as much tax. (front page, 4)

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