Daily headlines - Wednesday, 5 July

Ljubljana, 5 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 5 July:


Mountain rescue
"Millions of euros for mountain rescue": Mountain rescuers saw a record number of incidents last year, and one of the reasons for this is the inappropriate slogans Slovenia uses to attract foreign visitors to the mountains, such as the term "hiking". (front page, page 4)

"The challenge is to develop new products": The main risks in the insurance sector are tied to the current cap on top-up health insurance premiums and plans to change this kind of insurance into a mandatory contribution, and so insurers face the challenge of developing new products. (front page, page 9)

Israel-Palestine conflict
"The bloodiest year after second intifada": This year is the bloodiest in the West Bank ever since the second intifada between 2000 and 2005. Yesterday, Israel continued its largest military operation in the occupied West Bank in recent years. (front page, page 6)


Food industry
"Fighting food profiteers with unclear rules": The parliamentary Agriculture Committee is set to debate changes to the Agriculture Act for the second time in half a year. The latest amendments are flawed since the proposal was prepared in a hurry. (front page, page 2)

C0 project
"Environment ministry and parliamentary inquiry looking into C0 sewerage": The Environment, Climate and Energy Ministry has requested a legal opinion on the C0 project, and a parliamentary inquiry into the sewerage project in Ljubljana has been launched. (front page, page 8)


"Energy subsidies: no reports, no money": Energy operators or suppliers have until the end of this month to send in reports about their supply and prices of energy products in the first half of 2023 to be eligible for further state aid. Those who will not do it face fines. (front page, pages 2-3)

"How much did profit growth add to Slovenia's inflation": The central bank recently came to a conclusion that profit growth had a bigger contribution to inflation in 2022 than wage growth. (front page, pages 6-7)

"Stock launch in Romanian state-owned hydroelectric power stations": The interest in buying dividends in Romania's hydropower company Hidroelectrica exceeded the supply by 450% already a day before the offer ended. (front page, pages 10-11)


"Farmers under pressure": Slovenian farmers demand restrictions on grain imports from Ukraine. The Agriculture Ministry is not considering such a move, but it does expect EU funds to help the farmers. (front page, page 3)

RTV Slovenija
"Eleven people vying for RTV management seats": Four individuals have applied for the post of the head of the public broadcaster RTV Slovenija, and an additional seven are vying to become its management members. (front page, page 4)

Blood donation
"Tribute to the knights and concern for the future": Two men who have donated blood 100 times have been proclaimed the knights of blood donation, while experts warn that the number of blood donors is declining. (front page, page 2, 13)

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