Daily headlines - Thursday, 6 July

Ljubljana, 6 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 6 July:


Local investments
"High costs constrain municipal investments": Higher energy and labour costs are forcing municipalities to shrink their investment budgets. Several major municipalities have asked the state for additional funding. (front page, 3)

EU elections
"Tonin lures Logar into trap": New Slovenia (NSi) president Matej Tonin proposed the formation of a joint EU election list with Anže Logar of the Cooperation Platform but ended up agonising Logar and the Democrats (SDS). (front page, 2)

Novartis investment
"Development of biotherapeutics in Mengeš": Swiss pharma giant Novartis is setting up a centre for the development of biotherapeurics in Mengeš. Slated to open in 2026, the investment is worth EUR 111 million. (front page, 9, 13)


Public housing
"Scenario for Austrian model still being written": The Ministry for a Solidarity-Based Future is still considering multiple scenarios for accelerated construction of public housing. One plan involves selling state-owned real estate that is not appropriate for housing to secure money for major housing developments. (front page, 5)

Drama theatre renovation
"Archaeologists to start digging this month": Archaeological surveys on the site of the SNG Drama theatre in Ljubljana are due to start in July and last six months. However, the Culture Ministry is yet to obtain a building permit for the renovation of the entire building. (front page, 16)


Soča Valley tourism
"Municipalities want to make business on the Soča much more expensive": Municipalities in the Soča Valley have for years been trying to bring some order into rafting and kayaking, which tour operators support. But a proposal currently considered by Kobarid would raise operators' costs up to 20-fold. (front page, 6)

ECB policy
"Companies should raise wages at the expense of profits, not via higher prices": In an effort to fight inflation, the European Central Bank (ECB) wants companies to finance higher wages from profits, rather than raising prices. (front page, 2, 3)

Management pay at Gen-I
"After Golob left, the end of megabonuses": The annual report by energy firm Gen-I shows that huge management bonuses that were the norm while Robert Golob was CEO have been severely curtailed. Overall labour costs have declined as well. (front page, 5)


Public finances
"Budget woes": Due to the reintroduction of the fiscal rule next year the Finance Ministry is already tightening the purse strings. This means certain investments and projects will have to be scaled back. (front page, 2, 3)

National Assembly staffing
"Staffing shaking up president's cabinet": After the departure of three aides, National Assembly President Urška Klakočar Zupančič has now fired Andraž Osim, who was expelled from the Freedom Movement in March after becoming the first party member to speak up about internal strife. (front page, 4)

Zvon Ena trial
"Suspended sentence for Zvon Ena management": The Maribor District Court had no doubt about guilt as it found two former managers of the defunct Church-owned holding Zvon Ena guilty of abuse of office. (front page, 9)

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