Language courses and summer camps for Slovenian minority youth

Klagenfurt/Rijeka/Trieste/Szentgotthard, 8 July - Young members of the Slovenian ethnic minority living in Austria, Italy, Hungary and Croatia will be able to participate in various camps and activities during summer to improve their knowledge of the Slovenian language and meet their peers from Slovenia, the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad told the STA.

Santa Croce, Italy
Bilingual signs in Križ/Santa Croce, a village near Trieste populated by the Slovenian minority.
Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA

In the Austrian state of Carinthia, Slovenian language courses will be combined with various other activities. There will be sports events, a science camp and the 51st International Fine Arts Colony, in which 25 children from Carinthia, the Hungarian region of Porabje and Slovenia will participate. In Ankaran, there will be a puppet and theatre workshop.

In Italy, there will be programmes for children of all ages, such as camps, seminars, various excursions and singing workshops. The Slovenian sports clubs in Italy will offer summer camps in both Italy and Slovenia. There will be a film workshop in Gorizia and a theatre workshop in Trieste, the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad said.

A summer Slovenian language school in Croatia ended this week. A workshop for children aged 6-14 will be held in Rijeka in July, and Slovenian language courses for primary school children will be held in Pula in August.

Children in the Hungarian region of Porabje will be able to improve their Slovenian language skills through a summer camp currently taking place in Szentgotthárd. Later a camp for parents and their children will be held and young people from Porabje who are learning Slovenian at school will go on an excursion to Slovenia.

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