News roundup - Monday, 10 July, until 3pm

Ljubljana, 10 July - Below is a roundup of major events on Monday, 10 July, until 3pm local time:

Govt sets out budget expenditure for 2024 and 2025

LJUBLJANA - The government endorsed a breakdown of budget expenditure for 2024 and 2025, reducing the 2024 spending cap by EUR 300 million to EUR 15.2 billion. The figure is to increase to EUR 15.9 billion in 2025. The aim is to bring the budget deficit below 3% of GDP in 2024 and then reduce it further. Despite the cuts, the budget still allows the government to address key development goals and government priorities over the next period, Finance Minister Klemen Boštjančič said.

Some projects scrapped from recovery and resilience plan

LJUBLJANA - The government amended the national recovery and resilience plan, scrapping several projects which cannot be completed in time, among them a new infectious diseases clinic in Maribor and several flood safety projects. Overall, Slovenia plans to draw EUR 2.16 billion, of which EUR 1.49 billion in subsidies, EUR 545 million in loans and EUR 122 million in RePowerEU funds. Finance Minister Klemen Boštjančič said the scrapped projects would be completed with own funds and in line with more realistic timelines.

Culture Ministry initiates erasure of association over hate speech

LJUBLJANA - The Culture Ministry will ask the Administrative Court remove an association linked to the Identitarian Yellow Jackets movement from the registry of associations for inciting hatred, Minister Asta Vrečko said. She said no association was allowed to incite religious, racial or other hatred and expressed concern over a growing trend of incitement against those who are different, including at the June Pride Parade.

Matura exam success rate slightly below last year's

LJUBLJANA - In a slight deterioration from last-year's 95% success rate, the national school-leaving exam, known as the matura, was passed this year by 91.6% final-year secondary school students who took it. Eighteen students scored all points. Just over 89% of candidates meanwhile passed the national school-leaving exam for vocational students, down from 91% last year, show data by the National Exam Centre.

Talum gets EUR 15m loan to green aluminium production

LJUBLJANA - Aluminium producer Talum received a EUR 15 million loan from SID Bank to make its production processes greener by increasing the share of recycled aluminium in its products. The funds will be used to increase the share of recycled aluminium in billets and slugs, two major types of aluminium products, from 39% to 55%.

Industrial output up in May, but still down over year before

LJUBLJANA - Industrial output was up 7.9% in May compared to April but down 4.9% over the year before. Compared to the month before, industrial output increased by 8.9% in manufacturing and by 5.5% in mining and quarrying, but fell by 6.5% in the supply of energy, gas and steam.

Slovenia win U18 women's European Championship title

KONYA, Turkey - Slovenia made history after they won their first ever U18 Women's European Basketball Championship crown by beating France 63-61 on Sunday. The Slovenian team cruised to the title by winning all seven games.

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