Daily headlines - Tuesday, 11 July

Ljubljana, 11 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 11 July:


Labour market
"One in four employees looking for new job": The trend of employees massively quitting their jobs and looking for new ones continues in Slovenia and the rest of the world. The main reasons are too low pay and work overload. (front page, page 8)

NATO summit
"Slovenia's message to allies": A survey published just before the NATO summit starting in Vilnius today puts Slovenia in the group of the most NATO-sceptic countries. (front page, pages 4, 5)

"Country gripped by heatwave": Weather forecasters say the mercury will hit 35 Celsius today and tomorrow. (front page)


Bicycle thefts
"Ljubljana capital of stolen bikes": Ljubljana is the country's leader in terms of bicycle thefts; 1105 were reported last year and 516 in the first half of this year. (front page, page 10)

Government budget
"Minister Boštjančič distributing money with a heavy hand": The government has confirmed a breakdown of budget expenditure by departments for the next two years. (front page, page 3)


Construction industry
"How big are Slovenian builders today when compared to notorious SCT, Primorje and Vegrad, which were washed away by the 2008 crisis?": The paper looks at the balance sheets of Slovenia's largest construction companies at the moment. (front page, pages 2-4)

"Where has EUR 69 million for tourism got stuck?": Tourism companies that applied for subsides for investments in December last year had expected the results to be published in spring but they are still waiting. Since the subsidies have not been distributed yet, they could get reduced by EUR 10 million. (front page, page 5)

Labour exploitation
"Katja Čoh Kragolnik: We're detecting ever more exploitation of foreign workers, we've got another new case!": The paper runs an interview with the acting chief labour inspector. (front page, pages 6, 7)

"Janez Škrabec and Blaž Miklavčič will be taking care of cleaner see in Šibenik": The Slovenian builders Riko and GH Holding have outbid Austria's Strabag to build a water treatment plant in Šibenik, Croatia. (front page, page 4)


Recovery and resilience plan
"No money for Maribor infectious disease clinic": The construction of a new Maribor clinic for infectious diseases was removed from the amended recovery and resilience plan because based on the paperwork the European Commission warned it was impossible to have it built and operational by mid-2026. (front page, page 4)

High-school leaving exam
"Hurrah, here come matura certificates": After learning the results of their matura exams, final-year high-school students celebrated with their peers and teachers before and after the certificates were handed out. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Centre for people with special needs
"Neighbours against an extension": Neighbours oppose the planned extension of a unit of the Dornava centre for people with special needs on the grounds of alleged spatial constraints. (front page, page 13)

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