News roundup - Friday, 14 July, until 3pm

Ljubljana, 14 July - Below is a roundup of major events on Friday, 14 July, until 3pm local time:

Slovenia and Croatia taking border issue off agenda to focus on cooperation

ZAGREB, Croatia - Prime Minister Robert Golob said after meeting counterpart Andrej Plenković in Zagreb that the time had come when Slovenia and Croatia could achieve more together than separately. The border arbitration award, to which Slovenia remains firmly committed, will be given some time and taken off the political agenda, he added. Plenković said that it would be a gesture of goodwill to stop issuing fines to fishermen on both sides of the border.

Slovenia and Croatia sign gas supply solidarity agreement

ZAGREB, Croatia - Slovenia and Croatia signed a gas supply solidarity agreement as part of the first official visit by Slovenia's Prime Minister Robert Golob. The mechanism is a last resort measure after a member state has already taken all other available measures to ensure supply to consumers classified as protected users. Golob and his counterpart Andrej Plenković also discussed Croatia's potential cooperation in building a second nuclear reactor in Krško.

SAF's character changing from peacekeeping to deterrence

LJUBLJANA - The Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) are looking at their biggest investment cycle yet. A the same time the force's character is transforming from one of peacekeeping to deterrence, Chief of the General Staff, Lt-Gen Robert Glavaš told the STA in an interview. He sees the resolution on the long-term development and equipment of SAF until 2040 as "an example of major progress and development orientation", and hopes the plan will be implemented.

Committee okays long-term care and social care bills

LJUBLJANA - The Labour Committee okayed on Thursday the bill on long-term care and changes to the social care act, also adopting a number of coalition-sponsored amendments accommodating the recommendations of the parliament's legal service. Being fast-tracked through the legislative process, the bills are expected to pass on Monday.

Contractor picked for Koper-Divača tunnel systems

LJUBLJANA - 2TDK, the state company managing the Koper-Divača rail project, has picked a consortium led by the Slovenian Railways' construction arm for the construction of rail and tunnel systems on the new track between the port of Koper and the Divača junction. The works, valued at EUR 203.8 million, must be completed by the end of 2025. The consortium initially offered a higher price but reduced it in negotiations with 2TDK.

Meat from hay-fed animals protected at national level

LJUBLJANA - Meat produced using a traditional farming method combining hay feeding and grazing, called "hay meat", is now protected at the national level by the traditional specialities guaranteed label, the Agriculture Ministry announced. The Hay Meat and Milk Institute will also apply for EU-wide registration of hay meat.

Franja Partisan Hospital damaged by storm

CERKNO - The open-air museum Franja Partisan Hospital was significantly damaged by the fierce storm that swept through northern Slovenia on Thursday. The UNESCO-listed museum, nestled deep in a narrow gorge near Cerkno, saw three of its 14 wooden buildings swept away and another three damaged. The flood wave also destroyed the last part of the access path and electric infrastructure.

Slovenia's oldest tourist festival starts in Laško

LAŠKO - The largest and oldest tourist event in Slovenia, which has been held uninterruptedly since 1964, is starting in Laško, east, on Friday. The 58th Beer and Flowers Festival held by the Savinja River will bring an abundance of concerts and other events this weekend while also stepping up its green practices. The highlight of the festival will be the concerts on two festival stages tonight and on Saturday night.

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