Daily headlines - Friday, 14 July

Ljubljana, 14 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 14 July:


"Contractors and cleaners suing the state": Constructors and providers of certain public services, such as cleaning and security, are suing the state over the failure to acknowledge either higher costs due to pricier building material or higher costs due to an increase in minimum wage. (front page, page 5)

Air traffic
"Record traffic up in the sky": Dense air traffic has been causing delays, which can pose risks to passengers' health. Air passenger traffic worldwide topped the pre-Covid record a few days ago. (front page, page 4)

"Post-devastation, municipalities to get help": Thursday's storms wreaked havoc, especially in the northern half of Slovenia, causing material damage. A state official has vowed swift action to mitigate the situation. (front page, page 22)


Public broadcaster
"Zvezdan Martič at the helm of public broadcaster": Zvezdan Martič, a familiar TV face, will be heading RTV Slovenija from now on, having won 16 votes from the 17-member governing council of the broadcaster. He has pledged to remediate the injustices caused by the outgoing management. (front page, page 3, commentary 14)

"Unroofed buildings, uprooted trees, cut-off villages": Heavy rainfall was joined by hail yesterday in what were severe storms across the country, particularly in the north-east. Extreme weather events are becoming more and more common. (front page, pages 2-3)


"Luckily, she's alive": Yesterday's devastating storms caused enormous damage, as initial estimates show that some 150,000 cubic metres of forests have been damaged. An elderly local in the north-eastern region has lost her house to the storm, but fortunately she is alive. (front page, pages 4-5)

Government jet
"Falcon malfunctions not strong enough reason": Following quite frequent Falcon malfunctions, President Nataša Pirc Musar has called for the purchase of another government jet, but so far the government has not been considering this option. (front page, page 3)

Public broadcaster
"Martič with a landslide victory": Zvezdan Martič, a long-serving journalist and editor, has been named chairman of the public broadcaster's management board in what was a resounding victory. (front page, page 3)

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