Daily headlines - Tuesday, 18 July

Ljubljana, 18 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 18 July:


Ukrainian refugees
"Ever more Ukrainian refugees employed": Out of 9,045 Ukrainian refugees who have status of temporary protection in Slovenia 544 have found a job. (front page, page 3)

Long-term care
"New pillar of social security": MPs adopted a new bill on long-term care by fast-track procedure because the one passed in December 2021 was unfeasible. The new law defines long-term care as a new social security pillar, which will have several financing sources, including the state budget. The commitment is to introduce mandatory insurance for long-term care by 1 January 2026 (front page, page 2)

Russia-Ukraine grain deal
"Exit from grain exports deal": Russia exited the deal that allowed Ukraine to export grain through the Black Sea just before the deadline for its extension expired. (front page, page 5)


Slovenia-Bosnia energy dispute
"'Once in a century energy dispute' coming to a close": The Slovenian energy group HSE has won a major stage victory in arbitration over its dispute with the Ugljevik thermal power station in the Serb entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina. HSE claims more than a billion euros, interest included, from the power station and the Bosnian state in two disputes. It has now won EUR 67 million in damages. (front page, page 5)

Indie culture
"Artists must move out of Parmova Street building": Several artistic associations will have to move out of the premises in Parmova Street in Ljubljana, having used them for years. (front page, page 8, commentary 12)


Stock market
"Who are this year's stock market stars": The paper examines the most profitable shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"Microsoft's Sudden AI Dominance is Scrambling Silicon Valley's Power Structure": The paper carries a Bloomberg article on how Microsoft is preparing to cash in on partnership with Open AI. (front page, pages 6, 7)

"Number of bankruptcies rising worldwide, but there are 'no' zombies or bankruptcies in Slovenia": The paper looks into data on corporate failures in the US, UK, Germany, France and Slovenia. (front page, pages 4, 5)


"They'd tear down former army barracks": A project to build a centre for the education of deaf and hard of hearing in Maribor is being delayed after the runner-up in a competition to pick the project design demanded a revision because the winning design proposes tearing down a former army barracks that is listed as cultural heritage. (front page, pages 14, 15)

Long-term care
"Long-term care law passed": The opposition is critical of the contribution to finance long-term care, while part of the coalition voted in favour of the law through gritted teeth. (front page, page 2)

"Not clear (yet) whether he is on the run": The prosecution sought custody for Dalibor Kožulj, a man allegedly linked to the infamous Kavač Clan crime syndicate, arguing that he fled Slovenia to avoid trial, but the court did not accept the motion. (front page, page 2)

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