Daily headlines - Friday, 21 July

Ljubljana, 21 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 21 July:


Tax wedge
"Burden on wages highest here even now": Slovenia has the heaviest burden on payroll both compared to its neighbours and key trading partners. The differences will increase further because Slovenia is introducing new levies, while Croatia, Austria and Germany are cutting the burden. (front page, page 3)

Defence spending
"Record-high purchases": The Robert Golob government has added investments worth more than a billion euro into the Armed Forces development plan for 2023-2026. The Left opposes the spending. (front page, page 2)


Storm damage
"After storms: what to do with fallen trees": Threes knocked down by strong winds over the past few days caused extensive damage, including to people's homes, but many have found out their insurance does not cover for the damage due to hidden small print. (front page, page 8)

Dementia treatment
"New ray of hope in fight against dementia": Zvezdan Pirtošek, an acclaimed Slovenian neurologist, says the antibody therapies against dementia developed in the US and Japan are a new paradigm in the fight against Alzheimer's disease. However, he says the therapies will not 'cure' dementia, are very expensive and could have serious side effects. (front page, page 2)


"Lightning is too dangerous": Electricians are working on the ground to repair power lines broken by storms from 5am to midnight. Often they apply temporary solutions so people do not stay left in the dark. (front page, page 5)

Health minister's resignation
"Ex-minister won't pick up mail": After being forced to resign as health minister, Danijel Bešič Loredan will not pick up mail asking him to say whether he will return to the parliamentary benches or not. His return would cause trouble to the ruling party. (front page, page 2)

"Koroška tourism is developing, but (too) slowly": The paper talks to tourism services providers in Koroška about this year's tourism season in the northern region. (front page, page 17)

"Opening will be youthful and daring": The paper has visited Maribor's football stadium ahead of Sunday's opening ceremony for the European Youth Olympic Festival. (front page, page 13)

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