Daily headlines - Tuesday, 25 July

Ljubljana, 25 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 25 July:


"Closet monster not wanting to wake us up": Woke culture is usually associated with the left, but the right is also using wokeness to fight its own kind of culture war. (front page, page 19)

Storm damage
"Swifter payment of aid": Prime Minister Robert Golob has announced legislative changes to speed up the payment of assistance for storm damage and allow those entitled to the aid to get some urgent help as soon as this year. (front page, page 3)

Greece wildfires
"Greece at war with wildfires": For more than a week wildfires have been raging in Greece, causing tens of thousands of people to be evacuated. Currently, the situation on Rhodes is the worst, but Slovenian tourists there are said to be safe and sound. (front page)


Labour exploitation
"Exploitation of foreign workers becoming business model": The business model of companies exploiting foreign workers already envisages potential fines, and so evading the law and exploiting people are still financially viable. (front page, page 5)

Ljubljana infrastructure
"Emonika construction will take 44 months": The construction of the new Ljubljana passenger terminal known as Emonika will take more than three years and a half. (front page, page 8)


"Who makes money through deals with Health Ministry": In a year former Health Minister Danijel Bešič Loredan signed deals worth nearly EUR 2.8 million, two times more than his predecessor. (front page, pages 2-3)

"Canadian fund lures away Petrol's main traders, Petrol does the same to HSE": According to unofficial information, a Canadian fund is setting up an electricity trading company in Ljubljana, and has lured away the main three of Petrol's ten traders. Petrol has found replacements for them among HSE staff. (front page, page 5)

"PMI index for the eurozone lowest in eight months": The PMI index is at its lowest in the past eight months as the European economy is slowing down. (front page, pages 10-11)


Labour exploitation
"Double-crossing foreign workers and evading the law": Alumero exploited Ukrainian workers, who worked 12-hour shifts or more and were sometimes banned from having lunch breaks. The company and two unlicensed temping agencies were fined. (front page, page 13)

"Waiting for right-wing govt": Political pundits discuss opposition leader Janez Janša's address to his party's members at the recent annual get-together in which he mentioned patience in waiting for a new right-wing government. (front page, pages 2-3)

"Record-breaking ultra race on horizon": The upcoming K24 ultra trail in the northern Koroška region will feature nearly 600 runners from 20 countries. (front page, page 17)

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