Daily headlines - Monday, 31 July

Ljubljana, 31 July - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 31 July:


Heat waves
"Working conditions will be adjusted to weather": Working conditions will have to be adjusted to heat waves which, as climatologists warn, should not come as surprise any more during summers. Recent studies show that exposure to heat does not only threaten the cardiovascular system, but also causes infectious diseases, eye, skin and kidney diseases. (front page, 3)

War in Ukraine
"Zelensky: War is coming to Russia": Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the war is gradually returning to the Russian territory, its symbolic centres and military bases, as the Russian Defence Ministry announced that the air defence had shot down three Ukrainian drones over Moscow. (front page)

"Disaster in gallery and library": A broken fire hydrant has flooded Miklova Hiša, the building in Ribnica which houses a local gallery and library, which are now forced to find a substitute building until Miklova Hiša is restored to the original condition. (front page 6)


Damage in agriculture
"Frost two years ago, drought last year and hail this year": Storms with hurricane-force winds and hail, which last week hit almost entire Slovenia, also left a trail of devastation in the Vipava Valley in the west. Local producers will be left without much of the crop for a third year in a row. (front page, 8)

Student meals
"Detailed criteria and concern over fast food": Surveys show that, as part of the subsidised student meal system, students frequently eat in fast food establishments. The relevant ministry is considering improvements to the system and establishing public cafeterias. (front page, 2)


Interest rates
"How is Slovenia doing a year after interest rates started rising": The paper lists seven "pictures" that show which effects of the costlier money already show, which need some more time to show and which perhaps will not be seen at all. (front page, 4-5)

"Entrepreneurs can compete for subsidies in these calls for applications until autumn": Subsidies for employment, energy investments, investments in equipment and sustainable transformation are only some offered by the state that companies can "catch" until autumn. (front page, 6-7)

Student work
"What is in store": The paper looks at how the idea by Labour Minister Luka Mesec that student work be transferred to the Employment Service is perceived by the institution itself and by student employment agencies. (front page, 8)


"It was a beautiful, youthful week": The European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) wrapped up in Slovenia's second city on Saturday, putting Maribor back on the European sports map. Reactions by the participating athletes and officials suggest that the event was a success. (front page, 2-3, 14)

Money laundering office scandal
"Who was looking into bishop's account": There are new revelations in the story about the Office for Money Laundering Prevention looking into accounts of more than a hundred people just before the end of the term of the previous, Janez Janša government. An influential member of Janša's SDS party was reportedly interested in the account of Novo Mesto Bishop Andrej Saje. (front page, 5)

Accident compensation
"One-armed goalkeeper will appeal": Ljubomir Moravac, the former goalkeeper of B team of the Maribor football club who has lost an arm in a traffic accident in 2016, has been awarded compensation as part of his lawsuit against an insurance company. He will appeal as he finds the compensation unfair. (front page, 5)

"Role of leader? It comes naturally": Luka Dončić is the new captain of the Slovenian men's basketball team as the team prepares for the World Cup at the end of August. The NBA superstar says that the role "comes naturally to me - you cannot teach someone when you have to raise your voice and when not." (front page, 13)

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