President says all possible flood relief measures being taken

Ljubljana, 4 August - President Nataša Pirc Musar commented on the ongoing emergency situation in Slovenia caused by severe floods by assuring residents that all required measures to protect people that are possible and feasible at the moment were being taken.

President Nataša Pirc Musar.
Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA
File photo

The president expressed sympathy and support for all people who have suffered damage, and condolences to the families of the victims, and thanked all the individuals and groups who are providing assistance.

"In these difficult times when we have been hit by a natural disaster ... I want to express my deepest sympathy and support to all of you who have suffered damage."

Unfortunately, human lives have also been lost, so I express my deepest condolences to all relatives," Pirc Musar said in a written statement.

The president said that Slovenia was facing a test that required unity, mutual aid and quick action, noting that professional teams had been on the ground since early morning, fighting the floods and providing assistance to those who need it.

"I express my sincere gratitude and deep respect to the firefighters, soldiers, police officers, rescuers, members of the Civil Defence, volunteers and all others who work selflessly to protect lives and property."

The president is in constant touch with the competent services and the government and monitors the situation. "I can assure you that all required measures to protect people that are possible and feasible at this moment," Pirc Musar said.

She urged people to "stay connected and support and help each other in these challenging times, and take care of older people and other vulnerable individuals who need our help and support."

Her message is that all those who have been affected are not alone. "We are with you and we will do everything in our power to help you," she said, also urging the residents to trust the rescue teams and stay safe until their arrival.

"I believe that, as we have done many times in the past, this time we will unite as a nation as well and overcome the situation together," Pirc Musar added.

The president believes that Slovenians will overcome the challenges ahead of them together and create conditions for the damage to be repaired. She added that she would continue to monitor the situation and pay visits to the affected areas.

National Assembly President Urška Klakočar Zupančič said the floods called for unity and help for the most vulnerable, and expressed support for rescuers in the affected areas and condolences to the families of those who dies in the floods.

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