Largest power producer HSE operated normally during storms

Ljubljana, 7 August - The state-owned power utility Holding Slovenske Elektrarna (HSE) has announced that the production of electricity in its facilities had been safe and reliable during the heavy rainfall that had greatly increased river discharges in the past few days.

Headquarters of state-owned power holding HSE.
Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA

HSE said on Monday that, in accordance with the weather forecast, the reservoirs of the hydro power plants operated by the group had started to be gradually emptied last Wednesday.

The operating staff was placed in facilities that are otherwise remotely controlled under normal conditions, and the increased amount of driftwood and other waste was being regularly removed, the company added.

HSE was prepared for the expected increase in rainfall and an additional increase in discharges in all basins on Friday and Saturday night. All hydro power plants on the Drava and Soča rivers operated in line with plans and capabilities.

On Friday, the hydro power plants operated by the HSE group produced 11.3 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity, while the Avče pumped-storage hydro power plant was not operational due to an increased amount of driftwood on the Soča River.

No damage in the engine rooms of large hydro power plants on the Drava and Soča rivers has been observed, HSE said, also noting that the situation in the Šoštanj thermal power plant (TEŠ) and the Velenje coal mine is stable.

On Friday, as a result of the heavy rainfall, the stormwater carrying soil did enter the TEŠ area and the coal transport area of the coal mine, but the employees immediately pumped out the water to prevent failure of the critical equipment.

While TEŠ produced 10.4 GWh of electricity on Friday, the gas generator in Trbovlje were off the grid due to the significant increase in discharge of the Sava River and the resulting damage to the communication lines, HSE added.

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