Daily headlines - Wednesday, 9 August

Ljubljana, 9 August - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Wednesday, 9 August:


Flood aftermath
"Solidarity will be stronger than disaster": European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will visit the flooded areas today and the EU will follow our solidarity with aid. (front page, pages 2-4)

Automotive industry
"Automotive industry's problems": Transition to electric mobility can bring about a decline in car sales in Europe for a few years. The uncertainty in the industry is felt by Slovenian exporters and layoffs are expected. (front page, page 8)

"Soil movement calming down": With the soil drying up, landslips are calming down as well. But the danger is not over yet, says Miloš Bavec, director of Slovenia's Geological Survey. (front page, page 5)

"Galatasaray too hard nut for Olimpija": Olimpija went brave against favourite Galatasaray in the first leg of the third round of UEFA Champions League qualifying, but could not prevent a defeat, losing 0:3 in the packed Stožice Stadium. (front page, page 15)


"Epicentre of horror": On the fifth day after the devastating floods, Dnevnik reporters made it to Solčava and on to Luče in the Upper Savinja Valley to run a feature about the devastation and solidarity in the wake of the disaster. (front page, page 4)

Flood clean-up campaign
"14 August will be solidarity day": The government has decided to designate 14 August as work-free solidarity day to allow volunteers to help in the flood relief effort. (front page, page 3, commentary 12)


Flood aid
"How to get most favourable aid and where are the tax traps": The paper looks at tax reliefs and ways for companies to make donations to those affected by the floods so that both parties get the most of it. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Tax audits
"FURS is just receiving data on your rents abroad. What are they looking at?": Data collected so far shows Slovenians report only just over 200 rental properties abroad, most in Croatia. However, the Financial Administration also gets data on rents earned by Slovenians from foreign tax authorities. (front page, pages 4, 5)

"New subsidies for facade insulation of apartment blocks and commercial buildings": The Eco Fund has published a new call to subsidise investments in improving the energy efficiency of multi-apartment and commercial buildings. (front page, pages 6, 7)


Flood relief
"Bridge of hope": Entrepreneur Ambrož Duler and his team have built a new 22-metre footbridge across the Meža in Prevalje super fast to help the flood-stricken locals. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Flood damage to tourism
"Unprecedented damage": The devastating floods have caused immense damage to tourism providers in Koroška and the Celje area as swollen rivers swept away campsites, destroyed the Mozirje botanical gardens and caused damage to the popular Thermana Laško spa. (front page, page 4)

Flood clean-up campaign
"Monday will be solidarity day": The government has declared 14 August solidarity day to allow volunteers to take part in the flood clean-up efforts. It will also help municipalities with additional measures. (front page, pages 2, 3)

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