Rivers in flooded areas left almost without fish

Ljubljana, 9 August - The rivers in areas hit by recent floods will be left nearly without fish, the Slovenian Fishing Association told the STA. Fishermen will reintroduce the artificially bred species, while repopulation of other species will take years.

The river Sora bursts its banks in the Medvode area.
Photo: Sani Karić/STA

Most fish were killed by the strong currents. Those that were able to retreat were flushed into the fields, some were saved by fishermen when the water receded.

Some fish died because muddy water entered their gills. Many young fish died because they did not know how to retreat, said the Slovenian Fishing Association president Miroslav Žaberl.

The rivers were contaminated by sewage waters and oil from oil tanks swept away by water.

"All this affects the life of fish," Žaberl said, adding that "this is not good for the streams or for the fish". It is not clear yet whether the affected fish will be safe for consumption.

The fish will be repopulated where possible. Trout that are farmed artificially will be moved from fish farms into rivers. Other species that are not bred artificially, such as the cactus roach and the common nase, will have to repopulate naturally, which will take at least three years.

"The damage that our fishermen will have because of the empty streams cannot be assessed," Žaberl said, adding that the situation will be reflected in fishing tourism.

According to Žaberl, the fishermen hope the government will exempt them for a longer period from concession fees and reimbursements for the use of water. They are also hoping for financial aid to renovate fishing facilities and reintroduce fish to the streams.

The fishermen will continue to aid in flood relief efforts, Žaberl said.

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