Daily headlines - Friday, 11 August

Ljubljana, 11 August - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 11 August:


Flood aftermath
"Waste piles to be gone in 2 weeks": Waste companies are struggling to keep up the demand for removal, as massive amounts of waste are piling up in the flood-clean up effort. The situation is expected to improve in about two weeks. Mud will be removed to degraded areas and analyses are to be conducted later. There have been no reports of dangerous contaminations. (front page, 3)

"Change in the Left": Unofficially, the long-serving head of the Left, Luka Mesec, will not be vying for one more term at the helm of the coalition party. The candidates include his current deputy and culture minister, Asta Vrečko, and MP Miha Kordiš. (front page, 2)

Budget revision
"Half a billion for flood victims": The government will revise the 2023 budget, earmarking EUR 520 million for flood victims. EUR 300 million will be reallocated to a special fund and expenditure will be increased by EUR 220 million. (front page, 2)

"Key vicoty for Celje and defeat for Maribor": Celje won against Neman of Belarus in the third round of qualifications for the Conference League, while Maribor lost an away match in Istanbul against Fenerbahce. (front page, 18)


Renewable energy
"Who will pay for solar panels on municipal parking lots?": Parking lots and public buildings will have to be fitted with solar panels, with city municipalities raising the issue of funding. (front page, 2)

Celovška expansion
"Expansion with no timeline": Two expansion projects are planned on the Celovška Street in Ljubljana. In the wake of floods, experts warn that critical infrastructure projects must not be sidelined (front page, 8)


Flood aftermath
"Drava and washed-up debris have been tamed": The Austrian, Slovenian and Croatian electricity producers Verbund, Dravske Elektrarne (DEM) and HEP prevented the river Drava from spilling over during the strong rainfall last week. (front page, 13)

Youth and children's literature
"Who will win the Večernica Prize?": Five books are in the running for the Večernica Prize for the best children's or youth literature book. (front page, 12)

Solidarity day
"Healthcare institutions to work": Slovenia's two biggest hospitals, UKC Ljubljana and UKC Maribor, will operate as usual on Monday, which will be a work-free day. Meanwhile, 400 employees of the Celje General Hospital have been affected by the floods. (front page, 4)

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