Delo comments on effect of floods on tourist season

Ljubljana, 11 August - The newspaper Delo says in its front-page commentary on Friday that the devastating floods will affect the tourist season in the entire country, not just in the affected areas. While the international spotlight is still on Slovenia government representatives should invite tourists to come, the paper says.

Even though only parts of Slovenia were hit by the floods, in the eyes of foreigners, the entire country was under water. It comes as no surprise that providers have been receiving cancellations, above all from foreign guests.

In mid-July it seemed that frequent storms might spoil the figures, but the floods have almost certainly washed away the hopes for a new record season. The fallout will be felt all the more because August is peak tourist season.

The Tourism Board (STO) has launched efforts to present Slovenia as a safe and pleasant destination. But that is not enough, the paper says under the headline Dream Season Washed Away by Floods.

As long as Slovenia remains in international spotlight, leaders should take the opportunity and invite guests. "Repair does not involve only aid and road reconstruction, but also prevention of additional damage."

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