Check points to be set up in flood-struck areas to restrict access

Ljubljana, 11 August - Police, firefighters and civil protection will set up check points in the areas of Črna na Koroškem, Mežica, Solčava, Luče, Mozirje and Ljubno ob Savinji on Saturday until further notice to regulate the number of volunteers arriving in the areas where the situation is still critical and also dangerous.

Civil Defence commander Srečko Šestan.
Photo: Katja Kodba/STA
File photo

The check points will be set up in line with a decree signed today by Civil Defence commander Srečko Šestan. Under the decree, employees in critical infrastructure will work normally on Monday, a work-free solidarity day.

Šestan told the press today that the situation was slowly improving in the most affected areas. "But I can by no means say it is normalising," he said, noting that some areas are still covered by a thick layer of mud.

In the areas of Črna na Koroškem, Mežica, Solčava, Luče, Mozirje and Ljubno ob Savinji the situation is still dangerous and heavy machinery is used to deal with the devastation, so a special regime must be in place to restrict access to volunteers, he said.

While thanking all those who have offered to help, Šestan said "We need an optimal number of people there, which must definitely not be too big".

Police, firefighters and civil protection will set up the check points and redirect the volunteers that will not be needed in these areas to other parts that were also affected by the devastating floods.

Members of the Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association will also assist with the administrative matters and coordination of volunteers.

Šestan urged volunteers to register with the Floods 2023 app or make arrangements with municipal authorities if they want to help out to make the clean-up efforts as coordinated as possible.

In line with the decree signed today, all critical services will work normally on Monday, including the energy sector, transport, food, drinking water supply, finance, healthcare, environment protection and information and communication networks and systems.

Employees in public health institutions and by concessionaires, social centres, and veterinary and insurance services will also not take the day off.

Due to an overwhelming supply of food products to the flooded areas, Šestan asked for this type of donations to stop due to a lack of storage room. Foodstuffs can be donated to Caritas, the Red Cross or some other charity. Surely they will make their way to the people eventually, he said.

The government also changed a decree on administrative matters today to extend the deadlines for complaints or supplementing applications in administrative procedures for those affected by the floods.

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