Daily headlines - Thursday, 24 August

Ljubljana, 24 August - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Thursday, 24 August:


Flood relief
"Flood-related impetus for hiring foreigners": The government is expected to propose solutions to simplify employment of foreign citizens as part of an emergency flood relief bill, but only for the professions needed in the post-flood reconstruction. (front page, page 4)

Russia plane crash
"Prigozhin - one of plane crash victims": Russia's civil aviation authority has confirmed that one of the ten victims of a recent plane crash in Russia was also mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin. (front page, page 6)


"Police organisation that has nothing to do with police": The International Police Organisation Slovenija, which the newspaper says is affiliated with the Serbian government, made headlines in recent weeks raising donations for flood-stricken people. The Slovenian police said the organisation has no ties with them and has been warned to stop using their logos. (front page, page 2)

"Wild West on state-owned land: KŽK loses lawsuit": After three years and a half, the court ruled that the Farmland and Forest Fund justifiably terminated the KŽK company's lease agreement for nearly 630 hectares of state-owned farmland. (front page, page 3)


"How much the loan moratorium will cost you, and how much more will the bank earn": A loan moratorium comes with additional interest rates, and it is unlikely banks would waive them in their contribution to the flood relief effort. (front page, pages 2-3)

"How exporters are feeling the cooling of main export markets": In the wake of bad news from Germany and Italy and the recent floods, some exporters are recording a drop in orders and taking measures to mitigate the situation. (front page, pages 4-5)

Economic cooldown
"German and eurozone economy continue to cool down; PMI index still dropping": The euro area economy continues to contract, as the PMI index dropped to the lowest level in the last 33 months. (front page, page 6)


Flood damage
"Two neighbourhoods to be relocated": In the wake of the devastating floods, some 150 homes in the Braslovče municipality will be relocated to make way for anti-flood measures. (front page, page 18)

Flood impact
"Waiting for results of sampling": Years-long efforts of environmental remediation in the Mežica Valley have been washed away in a single day, as the floods ravaged the area. Analyses of water, silt and soil samples are under way. (front page, pages 2, 5)

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