Emergency bill brings a number of measures to help households

Ljubljana, 24 August - The government adopted on Thursday an emergency bill under which households affected by the devastating floods will receive financial aid and be exempted from paying electricity and gas bills, among other things. Public Administration Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik said this was the first, most urgently needed measure but definitely not the last.

Public Administration Minister Sanja Ajanović Hovnik speaks to the press after the government session.
Photo: Nebojša Tejić/STA

Among the measures that the bill brings, the minister highlighted solidarity aid, temporary accommodation for the elderly and inform, and waiver of electricity and natural gas bills for the affected households.

The bill also envisages a 12-month loan payment moratorium and scrapping of administrative costs and court fees for those affected by flooding.

Families affected by the floods will not have to pay kindergarten for the period when their children could not attend due to the flood situation. Parents of school children will not need to pay for school meals or dorms for high school students.

Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs Luka Mesec highlighted a lump sum of up to seven times the minimum monthly costs of living which those affected by floods will receive.

A single unemployed person will receive EUR 3,257, a single employed person EUR 3,513, a four-member family with two unemployed parents EUR 8,957 and a four-member family with two employed parents EUR 11,466.

These are the maximum amounts that can be paid out, but the sum may not exceed the damage suffered by the individual or family, the minister said.

He added that people would receive the money first and then submit proof of the damage so that aid will reach them as soon as possible.

"The staff at the social centres are members of municipal commissions that are assessing the damage, so we count on them to know who has suffered damage on a scale that requires this kind of solidarity assistance," said Mesec.

The bill also introduces a subsidy for apartment rent for those whose homes can no longer be used. People over 65 whose homes were flooded are entitled to a bed in care homes free of charge.

Most measures from the bill will apply until the end of the year.

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