Dravograd gets new bridge three weeks after devastating floods

Dravograd, 24 August - Almost three weeks after the bridge on the main road between Dravograd and Slovenj Gradec near Otiški Vrh was destroyed by the swollen Mislinja River, a modular bridge was opened today. Infrastructure Ministry State Secretary Andrej Rajh announced more projects for the Koroška region, which was hit hard by the floods.

Dravograd, montažni most pri Otiškem Vrhu.
Odprtje montažnega mostu čez reko Mislinjo pri Otiškem Vrhu.
Promet čez montažni most.
Foto: Vesna Pušnik Brezovnik/STA

Infrastructure Ministry State Secretary Andrej Rajh (left) and Dravograd Mayor Anton Preksavec at the opening of a new bridge over the Mislinja River.
Photo: Vesna Pušnik Brezovnik/STA

Infrastructure Ministry State Secretary Andrej Rajh (right) and Dravograd Mayor Anton Preksavec at the opening of a new bridge over the Mislinja River.
Photo: Vesna Pušnik Brezovnik/STA

A new bridge over the Mislinja River.
Photo: Vesna Pušnik Brezovnik/STA

Infrastructure Ministry State Secretary Andrej Rajh (right) and Dravograd Mayor Anton Preksavec at the opening of a new bridge over the Mislinja River.
Photo: Vesna Pušnik Brezovnik/STA

"I am pleased to note that traffic is being restored throughout the country," said Rajh, as the new bridge on what is one of the main roads in the region opened. This opens up a transport route for companies, residents and schoolchildren as the start of the new school year approaches, he said.

Dravograd Mayor Anton Preksavec also expressed joy, thanking everyone who contributed to the rapid erection of the new bridge. The bridge connects not only Dravograd, but the Meža Valley and a large part of the Drava valley to the motorway and Ljubljana, he said.

"This bridge demonstrated how important the Third Development Axis is, as when it was destroyed Koroška was actually cut off from the motorway network, our businesses had to make detours via Maribor, which meant enormous costs. That is why the Third Development Axis project is really vital," the mayor said about the planned north-to-south expressway project.

The new bridge was built by the company maintaining the roads in Koroška, Voc Celje. The owners of the former chipboard factory, the Hancman company, and the municipality temporarily contributed land for the access road.

The bridge has no load capacity restrictions and can also be used by cyclists and pedestrians, although the mayor advised pedestrians to use it only in emergencies.

Railway transport to Koroška is also gradually being restored. So far trains from Maribor could go only as far as Podvelka, while today the first passenger train is expected in Dravograd. The connection on to Prevalje is planned to reopen by Monday, 4 September.

As for rail connection to Austria, Rajh said the problem was a landslide in Austria, where works would some time.

The Infrastructure Ministry official announced more projects for Koroška, but would not go into detail.

In the Mežica municipality, where the swollen Meža destroyed all the bridges, two new bridges are to be built soon after the first bridge was set up by Slovenian and Macedonian soldiers on 14 August.

A team from Poland will erect a modular bridge that will connect the residents of five houses with the city by the end of the month. The works are expected to start this weekend, said municipal official Blaž Šaloven.

Another bridge, enabling access by car to a family house and the company Kogelnik will be erected by a team from Czechia. The works will start next week and are expected to be finished by 10 September.

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