Campaign launched to promote Slovenia's business post-floods

Ljubljana, 28 August - The investment promotion agency Spirit Slovenija in cooperation with its partners launched on Monday a PR campaign to promote Slovenia as a safe business destination in the wake of extreme floods that hit the country in early August.

Logo of SPIRIT Slovenia.
Photo: Boštjan Podlogar/STA
File photo

Together with the economy and foreign ministries and the Government Communication Office, the agency will inform the business community abroad of the situation in the Slovenian economy and flood relief measures.

Providing information on how companies are faring in the wake of the floods, the campaign aims to underline that a large part of the country's economy is running smoothly, Spirit Slovenija said in a press release.

"The key message of the joint PR campaign is that there is business as usual in most of the Slovenian economy after the floods and that the Slovenian business ecosystem is safe and open for business. Foreign companies wishing to invest in or do business with Slovenian companies are therefore very welcome and appreciated," reads the press release.

The government has taken a number of measures to help companies that have suffered damage in the floods to get their business back on track as quickly as possible, the agency added, which Economy Minister Matjaž Han echoed in his statement that underlined how rapid and tangible the measures have been.

He called on foreign business partners and clients to continue cooperating with flood-stricken Slovenian companies and refrain from seeking alternative suppliers.

"Foreign investments and business of foreign-owned companies is welcome, appreciated and safe in Slovenia," he said.

The Economy Ministry cooperates with foreign business chambers that have representative offices in Slovenia in drafting the measures, Spirit Slovenija said.

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