News roundup - Monday, 4 September, until 3pm

Ljubljana, 4 September - Below is a roundup of major events on Monday, 4 September, until 3pm local time:

US senators say Slovenia on the right side of history Ukraine-wise

BRNIK - Completing a multi-day visit to Slovenia, US senators Bob Menendez and Lindsey Graham said that "the US appreciates what Slovenia has done for Ukraine". Slovenia chose "the right side of history" regarding the war in Ukraine, they said as they spoke to the press at Brnik airport. A delegation of nine senators and one member of the House of Representatives, the highest-ranking US delegation to Slovenia in six years, met PM Robert Golob and President Nataša Pirc Musar among other state representatives.

Exports down by 5%, imports by 19% in July y/y

LJUBLJANA - Following record figures in June, Slovenia's trade decreased in July. Exports were down 5% over July 2022 to EUR 4.4 billion in goods, while imports dropped by 19.1% over a year ago, to EUR 3.8 billion, the Statistics Office said. Exports to EU countries were at EUR 2.5 billion, down 7.5% over July 2022, while the drop in exports to non-EU countries was less significant, at 1.6% to EUR 1.9 billion. Meanwhile, imports from non-EU countries were down by 24.6% to EUR 1.4 billion, and imports from EU states decreased by 15.4% to EUR 2.4 billion.

Solidarity contribution to average EUR 68 for individuals

LJUBLJANA - The average solidarity contribution set in place by the post-flood reconstruction act will amount to EUR 68 annually for an individual, show calculations by the Finance Ministry. Contributions by individuals are projected to total EUR 81 million per year, provided that no one decides to contribute by forfeiting earnings from working two "solidarity Saturdays", however the ministry expects that most individuals will choose to contribute to the fund through Saturday work.

Appliances maker BSH restarts two production lines

NAZARJE - Home appliances maker BSH Hišni Aparati, which was hit hard in the August floods, reopened two production lines. The company based in Nazarje, north-east of the capital, is resuming production of immersion blenders and mini blenders, and the management expects production will return to pre-floods levels in the first quarter of 2024. The company had to halt production on 4 August when production halls were flooded with water levels surpassing 1.8 metres.

Court-mandated restructuring for paper mill Vipap Videm completed

KRŠKO - Court-mandated restructuring has been completed at Vipap Videm Krško, Slovenia's largest paper producer, two year after the launch of the process in which Kompas Shop has emerged as the majority owner of what was a Czech-owned company for several years. The proceedings involved creditors with a total of EUR 27.6 million of ordinary claims and EUR 15.5 million of secured claims. Vipap needs to repay the creditors by the end of 2027, said the Krško District Court.

Slovenian students researching viability of dental treatment in space

LJUBLJANA - A European Space Agency-picked research programme aiming to make dental treatment viable during multi-year missions into space has been keeping students at several faculties in Slovenia busy since the start of this year. Looking to establish if dental instruments can be handled safely in space, the project, known as SpaceDent, will peak in the coming months with testing in simulated microgravity. The project won the European Space Agency's PETRI Student Programme competition in January this year.

Vilenica literary festival examining European identity

HRASTNIK/KOPER - The annual literary festival Vilenica is kicking off with events in Hrastnik and Koper. Under the slogan The Diverse Face of Europe, the 38th edition of the international festival will feature a number of events in the region of Kras in the west and in Ljubljana. Running until Saturday, the festival will bring together 14 authors from 12 countries. The Vilenica prize will go to Otto Tolnai, a Hungarian author from the region of Vojvodina in Serbia.

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