Daily headlines - Tuesday, 5 September

Ljubljana, 5 September - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Tuesday, 5 September:


Electricity prices
"Government will mitigate electricity price hikes": The government-imposed regulation of electricity prices for households and a large part of businesses will expire at the end of the year. The Energy Ministry is already working on measures to further mitigate the prices, according to unofficial information. (front page, 8)

Interview with two US senators
"Investment in Ukraine has paid off": The war in Ukraine, cooperation in NATO and the situation in the Western Balkans were the main topic as a delegation of US senators led by Bob Menendez and Lindsey Graham paid a visit. (front page, 4)


Food safety
"Food Safety Administration was silent": Slovenian consumers ate several tonnes of Serbian peaches and Polish plums this summer treated with Chlorpyrifos, a pesticide that is very harmful for human health, especially the health of children. (front page, 4)

Apartments in Ljubljana
"Privacy and green surfaces for select ones": Private housing complexes are popping up in Ljubljana with luxury apartments. (front page, 9)

Floating houses
"Špica: One floating house was moved": At the end of last year, two floating houses were placed on the Ljubljanica River near the Špica park by the municipal company managing the Ljubljana parking lots and market places. Recently one of the houses was moved to another location. (front page, 8, commentary 12)


"Airbnb or long-term rent?": The paper compares the costs, taxes and other levies for owners of apartments who rent out long-term and those who rent out through Airbnb. (front page, 2-3)

Social networks
"Sorry, but Linkedin is now in": While other social networks are experiencing a standstill or are crumbling down, Linkedin is becoming a platform where ordinary people genuinely want to hang out and publish their thoughts. (front page, 8-9)

Kindergarten prices
"Prices of kindergartens in Ljubljana to go up in October": The Ljubljana city council will decide at the end of September whether the prices of kindergartens in the capital will go up by 27% in October. The parents will pay 15% higher bills on average as the rest will be covered by the municipality. (front page, 10-11)


EU funding
"EU funds also for Žički Dvor": Seven projects in Maribor won state support or a total of EUR 7.7 million in funding. Meanwhile, a company owned by Mayor Saša Arsenovič won EUR 1.8 million in EU funds for a EUR 4.4. million project of building a hotel called Žički Dvor. (front page, 13)

Food prices
"Food still too expensive for many": The latest government comparison of prices of basic food products shows the average prices went down, while official statistics show food prices are still the main driving force of annual inflation. (front page, 2-3)

"Banks robbing their customers blind also with penalty rates": Banks are charging those who exceed the limit for withdrawals on their bank accounts the almost the maximum allowed 12% interest rate. (front page, 6)

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