Daily headlines - Friday, 8 September

Ljubljana, 8 September - Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 8 September:


Mountain resorts
"Ski slopes betting on year-round offering": The owners of nine mountain resorts are rushing to renovate ski lifts and finish other investments that need to be wrapped up by mid-November so that they get eligible for EU co-funding. Some of the work has been slowed down due to the August floods. (front page, 9)

UEFA Euro 2024 qualifying
"Slovenians handily beat Northern Irish": The Slovenian football team scored an important win in the UEFA Euro 2024 qualifying as it defeated Northern Ireland 4:2 on Thursday in front of more than 12,000 spectators in Stožice Stadium in Ljubljana. (front page, 17)


Opposition parties
"Jernej Vrtovec, new president of NSi?": Whether or not New Slovenia (NSi) president Matej Tonin gets elected in the 2024 European Parliament Election, the party will allegedly get a new president next year. The only candidate that could garner enough support is Jernej Vrtovec, the former infrastructure minister and current MP. (front page, 2)

"Will India be renamed Bharat?": The government of Narendra Modi is increasingly using the term Bharat for India when they speak and write in English, which is the term used in the languages of India. It is also the other name for India in the country's constitution. (front page, 6)

Plečnik stadium
"How much would it cost to purchase the stadium?": There is a chance that the stadium in the Bežigrad borough of Ljubljana, designed by Jože Plečnik (1872-1957), is kept in the original form. Private developer Joc Pečečnik recently said he was willing to sell it for EUR 18 million. (front page, 8)


Care homes in Maribor
"Merger of care homes?": Maribor Mayor Saša Arsenovič has sent an initiative to the relevant ministry for the merger of the municipality-owned Pod Gorco home with the state-owned Danica Vogrinec home due to the expected synergy effects. (front page, 14)

Post-flood reconstruction
"Foreign workers: good intentions, doubtful yield": Local craftspeople and mayors have welcomed the idea to facilitate employment of foreigners who would help in the post-flood reconstruction effort, while noting that Slovenia needs skilled staff. (front page, 4)

Post-flood reconstruction
"Croatians relieve locals": Three replacement bridges built by international teams are already standing in the region of Koroška, and the first such bridge was opened yesterday in the Savinja Valley. Another two will be finished next week in Gornji Grad. (front page, 18)

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